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Ok I have done a little bit of searching and have found the easiest one for me to do. Apparently you get a banana skin an put it in the bottom of a jar with cooled boiled water. You leave it for a few days and the water will go foggy. After that the water will clear up again and this is apparently the sign that infusoria are present. Has anyone tried this method?


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Infusoria are any small, microscopic critters that appear in any rich culture medium. They are used to feed very tiny fry.

You can make one by boiling anything from crushed leaves, dead flowers, banana skins or potato peelings in water for a few minutes then leave to cool. A fistful per 40 litres is about right, according to Axelrod's Atlas. Leave the culture uncovered and let it ripen, aerating it and keeping it about 15 - 20C. If it is too bright you will get algae more than infusoria. In a few days the infusoria should be visible under a microscope or hand lens. To look at, the culture will look slightly cloudy.

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It is basically a a group of microorganisms typically found in decaying organic matter. I think more correctly animalcule which covers all the micro animals including Paramecium, Amobeba, Rotifers and even Ichthyophthirius.

They are (with the exception of Ich which you wont grow in a bucket anyway) good food for very small fry like Betta because they a cannot eat anything as big as BBS usually for a wekk or 2.

I make cultures with boiled water in a jar or bowl. Add a handfull of scrunched up lettuce. Within a couple of days there will be tons of life in there from, as Alan says, the atmosphere. Amazing how water and vegetables (or fruit) can make small animals :-)

Some say you can speed up the process by mixing in a small amount of the muck from a filter also.

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