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plant and fish dilema


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Hate snails, my guppy tries to school with my tetras, they are pretty good

together, I cannot comment on the other, I would recommend Khuli loaches, they are very unique and look really cool and keep the floors quite clean, i.e. eating all the extra food, maybe some flying foxes as well for the bits of algae. How big is your tank gonna be?.... do you know pleco's grow really really big, I have heard up to 40cm!

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hey simfish,great to hear from you again :D

i originally thought that this tank im getting is a 100L but i actually now think its like 150L as i saw some tanks on trademe that were like 108L but not as big as the one im getting.do you know what the difference between male and female zebra danios is cos i think i might have a male and 2 females cos the supposed male one is a browny blue and silver striped slim thing and the other two have round bellies and are just normal coloured zebra danios plus the supposed male one is always chasing other fish.Can you help?

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thats cool thanks anyways.i'll ask when i get my tank from wetpets on saturday.what do flying foxes look like.i just looked up khuli loaches and yeah they are quite cool.the banded things that like places to hide and feed off left over food and stuff aye.do you know if their widely available in nz?perhaps in palmerston norths animates or wetpets stores?oh and yeah i was told that my pleco grows to 12 inches so thats about 36-40cms.my last one i had to trade in at wetpets as he got too big for my tank :( my current little 40*25*25cm tank so a 150L gonna be a big change and good for my current 14 fish to swim around.oh and im going to get three or 4 more of each current species as i have only like 2 or 3 of each when i should have like at least 6 :wink:

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hey simfish,i just found out through reading another forum topic that i do have a male and two females :D but im not happy about having them.i dont really like them and only wanted one type of sex.do you think if i take them back to wetpets then they swap the male for another female or something cos i dont want them breeding or whatever you call it when fish reproduce. :-?

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hey casey

I am the manager of the fish department in Animates in Palmy. feel free to come in and ask me any questions you have anytime. just ask for Becs, or if you forget that ask for the fish person!

we have loads of kuhli loaches in at the mo, they are a devil to catch though! :lol: would say dont ask for me if you come to buy them...but i always seem to end up catching them for people so cut to the chase and as for me!

would be good to see you


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WOW :D Those are some pretty cool pics simfish.Very interesting pieces of driftwood :D I really like how you've planted your plants too!Did it take long to get the plants where you wanted?How does the undergravel heating work?Have you used air stones before?I was thinking of getting one for my new tank but a not sure if my fish would like it :-? Well done to you though for the effort you put into your tank.It looks great and very natural! :bow:

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It took me about a full day to get it looking like that. Undergravel heating is for trying to attempt creating the same environment as in the amazon, It creats a convection current thus moving nutrients freely through the sand. Airstones are good. fish love them, I would suggest however looking at bubble walls they are way cooler and there's a blue one which would be available at your LFS, this one prduces really fine bubble s and you would be able to extend it.

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wow :D a whole day.i bow to you for efforts :hail::bow::hail::bow: a bubble wall does sound good!im going to animates tomorrow so i will see what i can find :D if they dont have one there tomorrow, on saturday i'll have a look at wetpets.Do you know of any websites featuring bubble walls,air stones etc?

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