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Nisa Bula, from Fiji :) :) :)


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Bula to all,

I have just arrived back from my over due holiday in Fiji, good to see the place has not lost its fun and relaxing Atmosphere the locals are such friendly people and make your holiday go so much smoother i'd highly recomend the Fiji Islands to anyone.

We arrived in Nadi last friday and had a night over on the main land drinking Fiji bitter next to the pool, the following morning we caught the Tiger IV to our holiday destination Mana Island where we spent five great days relaxing and snorkling, one of the locals took us around the other surrounding islands and reefs for a couple of day trips.

Mana Island has a great list of Activities and a lot more to offer i hired a under water camera from there and managed to get some pretty cool pic's i thought so thought i'd share them with you all hope you enjoy, these pictures are taken off the reef that surrounds Mana Island and are about 30-40 meters off the shore and about 0.5-1.5meters deep (tips of coralss) so really accessable to all.


This was a common thing to see a large group of tangs i was impressed.




Low tide out side our Bure.



Little baby Cromis each about 2cm long cute little fellas.






I was also very surprised in how many Morish Idol's there are swimming around.

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Yeah, the same reason corals don't grow in out water. Its colder here cause the sun is futher away. Skylights could be used to supliment the tank (watching it at night would be difficult), but the logistics make it impractical for most.


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Wasp i didn't take any tests although i wish i had but next time i may take a couple of floats that i'l leave out on the reefs to give me trended information of the water temperature, and PH and maybe some other perameters but we'll have to wait and see next year.

As for the temperature it did varie a bit both times i've been there and all the reefs i've swimed on you get a warm and cool wave come through so about every 1-2 meters you swim the temperature will either rise or full in temperature i cant tell you what the temperature difference is sorry not like our tanks hey were its a comfy 25°C.

as for depth as i meantioned earlier it would on average varie from 0.5-1.5 meters deep, the colour of light would also varie from what i seen as white to a blue colour most corals that had bright colouring would be either blue/purple and green/yellow had the odd pink not much in red at all and a lot of brown i'd say about 99% of the corals i seen were Acro's tables and stags man the tables are impressive so many of them growing over each other, i seen the odd yellow leather and pulsing what ever you call it.

Now as for the Current i cant say it seemed overly high in current but i'd say it'd be hard to compare to our tanks as its not directional from one source like our tanks are (pump out lets) but on the reefs that break the waves it'd be a lot more impressive.

heres some more pics


Pulsing what ever.


This is huge man about 1.6-1.8 meters diameter.



I had found some blue ones but the batteries ran out and i couldn't find them again bugger but this ones cool.


Hey Warick got to agree with you on this Island its a great place it's my second visit to Mana in 18months and still love it, it's the one of the only resort that offers two beachs so if ones windy and chopy its only a 3 minute walk to the other side where it'l be carm and both beachs are beutiful, so when you reckon you'l go next?

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Thanks Kermit for that, useful info. The change in temperature thing was interesting, personally I've never bothered adjusting temp when I add new water after a change as I believe this happens in nature, and the corals never mind in fact they expand afterwards.

I'm interested in those A.austera, it may be them in that last bottom photo you posted, because I have one that should be purple but has changes to red, I'd like to get it back to purple. What kind of situation did you notice those ones doing the best? Probably a dumb question cos I know it may be hard to say after the event, but thought I'd ask anyway :D

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Hmmm you mean the one just above, that was about 1 meter down and the light was pretty bright white more then blue but this varies on tides to though. What colour are you lamps your running 10k, 14k, when did you last change them and did you change your lamp manufacture or type or colour?

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My lamps are 10,000k 150 watt DE halides. They are 12 months old now and running out of grunt as evidenced by increased coraline growth. I'm changing them soonish but doing first some other things to the tank and it's one thing at a time so I can isolate which causes what.

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yeah i bet they're running out of grunt by now, the camera i used to take these photo's had a spectrum display on it and most shots i took came up between the blue-yellow spectrum usually highest around the green/red spectrum i dont know how accurate it was though but it was one thing that stood out to me thats another thing for you to add.

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It was a trip to Fiji that got me keen on keeping fish. Last time I was there a couple of the boys from the rugby team took me on a night dive. $20.00 torch a mask etc and some shorts and me were of. Time about 8.00 pm just getting dark (no watch). The boys got mackel, 9 Stone fish which are great with coconut sauce and a few other fish but the thing I remember the most was the sharks rubbing up against you and bumping to see if you were food@!!!!!!!!!!! only reef sharks??????? But asked the boys what would happen if there were tigers around and they said that they leave the catch bag for the sharks, Better to not have diner than be diner. 4 hours of kava later and I'm the great white hunter. What a great time with great people.

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