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Finally, I am as happy as the preverbial pig.....


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I noticed one of my female White Calvus yesterday looking pretty plump, was 1/2 worried, 1/2 excited as hoping finally they might get their act together, rather than she might be crook. :-?

This morning at feeding time, the girl wouldn't venture away from a barnacle shell,


The happy couple, but I bet I am happier than them... :lol:


No celebrations yet, if everything goes to plan, 6 months down the track they may be 3cm. :o

ps;yes I know they look alittle grey, I spooked them a bit :oops:

Frenchy :D

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Thank you,

I just took out the pair of N.caudopunctatus, so the other girl has plenty of room. 4 foot tank.

There were eggs in the Caud's home too, :roll: when it rains.....their cave and them are in adjoining tank with pearl calvus & another caud pair. Doubt the eggs will survive but no never know, but the whites are special. :hail:

Frenchy :D

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  • 1 month later...

Just to give another update.

Yesterday I took a second batch of babies off the female. All up between the 2 batches there are about 60 babies. Not big numbers, but I'll take what I can get :lol:

On Xmas day I noticed the other female hiding in a barnacle shell & won't go far from the entrance either. Yesterday I looked into her shell & yes she has laid eggs :bounce:

So the lucky Bas...d of a male is doing a great job with both girls. :roll:

I will try to get some photos later. bit hard when the bubs are so tiny...

Frenchy :D

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I have thought of possible mishaps,(paranoid... ) so grabbed some when they have come up.

4 of them are still about 6 months from maturaity. At least 2 of them are guys. (got these from melbourne, breeder)

Out of the next 3, about a year away from breeding, 1m 2f (from bloke up the road, via city in the far West, from another place outside of this country...but shhh) :wink: These have done more miles than me. :lol:

Frenchy :D

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Depends on what u mean by community. I have guppies in with the white calvus, as they feed off the babies the guppies drop. In the wild calvus specialise in hunting, stalking baby fish.....calvus can fit into tiny spaces as of their compressed shape.

If calvus are breeding they won't let anything near their cave, but the same 3 guppies have been alive in the tank for about a year now, with no real marks on them.

Problem is Calvus are from Lake Tangy, the water there is very Alkaline, water is very hard...so having them in with some community fishies from the softer Amazonian waters won't work.

Frenchy :D

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks everyone, I have had mixed results :-?

The 2nd & 3rd batch just all curled over in the space of a night & day. The little buggers just went white. Both sets died at the 2-3 week mark.

1st batch still fine.

1st female laid eggs just after new years, they went off straight away.

Then there was nothing to last week,

1st & 2nd female both laid eggs 6 days ago, 1 night apart :o

Altos can be hard buggars to raise. I have previously had no problems with other altos.

A mate who has bred a few types, has trouble with his gold head comps & he said his mate in Brissie, has lost the odd batch of white calvus himself for no appearent reason.

Just see how they mature, can always do the swap adults around, when others are mature.

Frenchy :D

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