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What is a good base for growing plants..


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Im wondering what a good cheap base for growing aquatic plants would be? I've seen some at LFS for $49.95 (can't remember the name) is there anything else that is suitable for a cheaper price? I will be having silica sand over the top of it. Any help would be great


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I am using "Daltons Propogating sand" (thanks to the guys here) and "Red Sea Flora Root" and "Red Sea Floro Gro". Put 1/3 of the sand down then the floro root and then 2/3 of the sand. every water change add some floro gro. Thats what I am setting up this weekend. Still scratching my head with regards to Co2, i.e. DIY or bottle cylinder (costly). I think it all comes down to how well you defuse the CO2. Hope this helps!

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In most references I have seen where they advise using clay they always use dried clay (I think it can start getting too anaerobic and producing methane) and when using peat they say a little and boiled. I have not used clay but I have used river silt and found that good, and peat and found for me it did not seem to make a lot of difference. In the end what works for you is good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As someone who has had bottled CO2 in my tank, I highly recommend staying away from them.

Yes, your plants will grow like hell, but I don't think it is worth it. It's just one more thing (like having heated gravel, for instance)

At sea level (ChCh), my aquatic plants grow much better without CO2 than with heaps of CO2 at 6000 ft (Colorado)

But yes, if you have money to burn, by all means.

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  • 3 months later...

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