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the black trigger fish


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Can't immagine any trigger fish being reef safe unless you had perhaps a 5000L+ reef.

After babysitting some fish from another tank by attaching an old 600L to my reef setup, I have pretty much decided I am going to now move it to a better location but leave it connected to the reef and use it as a fish only tank. I would like to get some of the critters I had before I had the reef, things like a clown trigger, and emperor angel and an auriga butterfly.


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i had one in a fish only system. Stunning fish but with caution. This one was agro and always to the food first . This is when they are a bit rough on the other fish. I would not put a trigger with shrimps as the one i had demolished any shrimp on sight but as with any fish there can be docile ones and Niger trigger is not uncommon in a reef

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I have a blue throat trigger. Totally awesome fish with heaps of personality. Still pretty small (3"-4"), but a model citizen so far. I have HEAPS of snails (baby ones as well) and a couple cleaner shrimp. No problems.

Well, there was one incident in which one of my anthias was being a pest, so she turned around and took a small chunk out of his back. The anthia now has a little scar, but is much better behaved. :wink:

I'm waiting to get my male so that I will have a pair. The female is not nearly as nice in appearance as males, but I still thnk she is awesome looking. It's going to be amazing when I finally get the male in there.

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Ahhhh... The crosshatch was certainly my first choice in triggers for my reef, but I believe that they aren't allowed, no??? Totally awesome fish!!!!

At any rate, I can't imagine what the price would be here given the crazy prices that they go for in the US. :cry:

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JoeBlog - The blue throats are very popular in the UK. PICS? Cool fish, the blue throats are on my 'list' of fish to try/add. Do you have any anemones in the tank?


Unfortunately, I don't have a digital camera. I know it is ridiculous, but true. :oops: So sorry, but no pictures available at the moment.

The blue throat I have is a female, and thus not has awesome looking as the picture posted by Reef. Still very cool though. I had originally bought a pair, but the male died within a day of being in my quarantine tank. :cry:

I don’t have any anemones. Are the triggers known to have a problem with anemones, or vise versa?

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I have a nigger trigger in my 4ft tank, I got him very small and he has been no problem. He is about 3inches long now. I also have a couple of shrimp in my tank.

I have had one problem when I did not feed him for a day or two, my coral bandit lost a few legs and his claws. I keep him feed and no issuies.

Oh except I have too feed quite alot.

Still happy with him.

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