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What happened to Pommereef?


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Hey guys - thanks for remembering me (i think). Im still "in the hobby" as far as its one of my keen interests but i have, as layton said, been busy. Work and general stuff has precluded me from getting on and setting up my tank yet. I got almost to the stage of adding stock to a nano tank but have just made arrangements to go back to the UK for a couple of months until after Christmas. Then I will be back in NZ and off to Polytech (can you believe that ! must be mad).

I do have plans for a tank when i am back. I will post these once i have finalised them and got the project underway. One good thing is that i already have a reasonable collection of rock to add when i do finally start.

Keep up the good work everyone - i will try to look in more regularly. Meanwhile i will continue to enjoy the hobby through the vicarious enjoyment of my mates tanks here in CHCH.

:oops: :oops:

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Yeah, well i wont go down the line of how much stuff is all over the world - i guess you have to remember there are tens if not hundreds of thousands of reefkeepers in the states and the uk so the prices can be much cheaper. vicious circle though - if the stock was cheaper there would be more demand which would perpetuate an upward spiral in new hobbyists and increasing demand. just need the spark to start the fire....

at the end of the day if its a choice between cheap fish or a wonderful country to live in i would choose NZ over the UK anyday though.


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