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ASW Storage and Gloves


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I'm looking at getting a 100ishL container for mixing ASW in in the next few days, and when I was looking at things it occurred to me... Should the container be opaque so as not to let the sun on the water?

Also.. Gloves. Everything I've read says you should always use gloves in marine tanks, which makes sense. Does anyone have a recommendation of decent gloves and where to get them from?

Danke muchly in advance :)

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Container colour is not really an issue unless you are storing the water long term in a light area. One thing to consider is do you need to move the container when it is full? If so 100 litres will be a little heavy. 50 litre home brew barrels are excellent. Big screw on lid so you can get in there and clean it out if need be. Get a heater and a powerhead for stirring.

As for gloves, a lot of books recommend them but I don't think many people use them. My pearl bubbles sting the bajeeezus out of my hand everytime I clean the glass so gloves would stop that but since I am not soft I can take it.

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Well the container is going to be on the balcony, so will get sun.. plans are to mix 100L at a time (100L container, go figure ;) ), and use it from there, topping up/re mixing when needed.

The powerhead I have for mixing it will easily pump water from the container to the tank (I've used it for such before :) ), so that's all good in terms of not having to move the container.

Temperature wise, I found that changing 10% in that tank when it was freshwater straight out of the hose dropped the tank temp maybe 0.5 of a degree.. is this a big issue for saltwater - I'm happy to run a heater in the container before changing if it is.


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