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2 Gallon Pico Reef

Tom Gunner

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Robert - Thanks for the info on the float switch. I think I'll leave it for the time being - after examaning the back of the hood last night - I don't think I'll have room to fit one.

livebearer_breeder I've seen a few people on RC use this plan with success. I think the trick is finding a good container that will take the pressure.

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Gets my vote to. Spend the money now, save the headache, and having to buy one later when you give up on trying to get the DIY to work! :lol: :lol:

Plus peristolic pump is one of the few pieces of equipment that you can buy to fit a small tank that will work just as well when you go to a 1000liter setup!

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Use a peristolic pump. Easy, works perfectly.

And expensive.

Gets my vote to. Spend the money now, save the headache, and having to buy one later when you give up on trying to get the DIY to work!

My setup is exactly like that diagram of LBBs, it's worked flawlessly except for a slight manufacturing fault which put the float valve too close to a partition which would make it jam. Moved it a bit and it's been perfect ever since. I should also be able to use it with a small powerhead if I wanted, using an airpump to push the water out would start to be a problem if you were using, for example, a 200L barrel for the topoff water. You'd end up with the water continuing to flow for far too long after the pump stops with a larger air reservoir. But with a 25L container it only continues to run for about 100ml when it's almost full to 500ml ish when nearly empty

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I've run into major problems with the lights randomly cutting out, and then restarting a half hour later. After checking all my wiring I've narrowed it down to the stepdown AC 220V to 110V transformer - which has been getting mad hot.

I rigged up another CPU fan and raised the transformer from the table with blu-tak to get the circulation going around it - I'm hoping this will keep it cool enough.

Kermit - Is this a common problem with these transformers? I wouldn't have thought that an 18watt lighting unit would stress it that much.


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The lights are 2 X 9W - and have two individual ballests. They are connected to a Dick Smiths AC 220V to 110V transformer which says it can handle power up to 25W (it's the biggest one they have).

In your opinion, is this transformer sufficient for 11 hours per day use, or will I run into problems?

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Ira - I fear you may be right. I'll see how I go with the fan cooling it - It does make me a little nervous being on the edge of the limit - I like overkill too!

misnoma - cheers for the linkage. I'd have to go for the larger one as I need an earth pin. These lights might end up costing as much as a small MH! :oops:

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