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just like to show you this


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Well for thou's out there REALLY wanting some of these this is the second spawning of this pair .

the first spawn is ticking along fine ( no pic as tank just got a scrub :o ), the fry are now little fish between 3 and 5mm long.

Both the male and female were breed by me but the ( unfortunatly ) male now belongs to Shae, I'm just looking after him for a while :D

If your not to sure there cockatoo dwarf Apistogramma orange flash colour form

Just under the pair is little orange dots :lol: there the fry .

Oh by the way I just bought this camera yesterday and am still trying to figer out how to work it.


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Awesome fish and photo Stu !!

I'd be very interested in buying a couple when they are ready :)

Please let me know when that might be ie weeks or months and I'll make sure they have a nice home to move into :)

Thanks Stu and looking forward to more great photos of your Awesome fish

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