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Dump or Surge buckets


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Im looking at setting up a dump or surge bucket on top of my reef. Have investigated a few designs, one involving a float/ballcock set up that fills up and opens up a flap to release the water via a inlet into the tank. Another design is to have a automatic siphon from a container above the tank so when it fills up at a certain point it starts gravity siphoning. More keen on a surge bucket than a dump , I think that the surge idea is more effective in terms of achieving water movement. Any ideas or links are welcome!.

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I Another design is to have a automatic siphon from a container above the tank so when it fills up at a certain point it starts gravity siphoning. .

I understand this to read .. fill up container above the tank (with a pump) to a certain level and than surge (siphon) the whole container content down to tank all at once.

Not as difficult as you think. Chemists use this technique all the time in what's called a 'soxhlet extraction apparatus'

Here are a few links. Could possible be adapted to what you require. I think all you need to look at is the syphon arm.


http://yarchive.net/chem/soxhlet_extractor.html (crude drawing but explains it)

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It's not really the mechanics of it that are a problem. It's just not usually easy or attractive to actually have it set up on your average tank in the living room...An in wall tank though could be done without it looking ugly.

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Was just reading today about the "borneman flush device", basically it's just a toilet with a float attached to the release flappy thing. Would be purfect for what you want to do, plus they have a built-in over flow so also safe. If the outlet is below the water line you dont get any bubbles either. Of course the downside is you have a toilet mounted over your tank, I'm sure there a very funny joke there somewhere. hahahahaha :lol:

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