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mammas getting her own tank

fishy family

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:D Hi, I am getting my own 100litre tank this week after living vicariously (sp) through my 12yr old son. Yippee!! :D

Now I have a couple of questions.

I am really hoping to get a saimese fighter as they are just sooo pretty but not sure what would be good tankmates for them.

I was looking longingly at a jackdempsy (think thats the name) and will adopt my sons bristlenose and would like some carninal tetras and platys or guppies and not really sure what else.

Any suggestions??

Also what would be good to go in first while the tank cycles. :hail:

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Congratulations!!! :P

Those with more experience will recommend what kind of fish. But from what I understand Jack Dempseys are an aggressive fish...I don't think guppies can go with them.

I'd love to have cardinal tetras, that is if my neons should go...ah...well you know :roll: but I haven't seen them here.

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Personally I am not a fan of Siamese fighters in community tanks, I feel they do better in a species only tank but many people would disagree and have no problems with them in communities.

Keep them with other slower moving fish. Guppies would be fine, so would the platies. Avoid gouramis as they tend to think fighters are other gouramis and can get aggressive. Cardinals would be ok too, as would the bristlenose.

A Jack Dempsey would ruin everything! NOT a nice peaceful community fish!!

What sort of filter is on your son's established tank? If it has removable media, use half of it to seed your tank (plus a few handfuls of gravel) or run your filter in your son's tank for 2 weeks and the cycling would be pretty much done. Then you could add the fish - still not too many at once mind you!

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wow you guys are great.

Thanks for the replys. I saw a jack dempsey in the weekend and thought it had the saddest puppydog eyes (I know I have a problem :lol: )

I will steer clear of them I think as I really was wanting a saimese fighter.

Man now I see why people have multiple tanks.

I really like the look of fish swimming in a school so aside from the cardinals what would go well in my tank? My husband saw something that looked like little snappers but were freshwater. No idea what they were or if they would work.

Ooh feels like Christmas :lol:

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If it's a tetra, then it'll prefer a shoal of 6 fish or more and will do well in a community tank. If it's a cichlid then it will NOT do well (like Jack Dempseys) in a comm tank. There are dwarf cichlids (Kribs and Keyholes) that do well in comm tanks tho. I advise you to go to the library and get as many books on tropical fish as you can. Do some reading and study up on what the fish are like, where they're from and what water conditions they prefer. Once you get enough resources together making the decisions are easy.

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i have a group of 12 black line tetras or black neons. They school well enough and are interesting to watch when feeding but have heard the best schooling fish for tetra was the rummynose.

Or you could try a group of striped headstanders - if you can find them that is.

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The snapper fish you probably saw was a Geophagus Surinamensis. My friend has one in his community tank for several months with no issues, they look cool and are fun to watch however, he has been told that they can be a problem when they get bigger.

Best of luck with your new tank!

Here is some info on the fish


I hope I have done the weblink properly this time :P

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:lol: Ooh a tank for hubby now theres a plan. he does have a birthday coming up and I do remember him getting me an airpistol for christmas a few years back (never let him forget it) :P

Great sites that have been reccomended I have bookmarked them all.

I love those little hatchet fishies they look like something out of a cartoon.

1 more sleep till I get my tank.


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Hi there - we are in the new catagorie too. We have a group of three clown loaches, you would love them, they really respond to you. Ours do this little wiggle thing at you when they know you are looking at them, great community fish. I don't know how they go with more aggressive fish but they certainly hold there own with our pictus!! He can be a bit pushy and when the biggest clown has had enough he gives him a good shove back. For little fish we have danio's they will swim around your fingers and nibble at them. We are really enjoying our gouramis too., they are relly friendly. These fish and all the others in our tank get on really well. When we upgraded we put cichlids in our smaller tank - we are having a bit of trouble with them, we lost two in the last 24 hours, I think we might wait until we are a bit more experienced before getting more.

Anyway thats a recomendation from a fellow begginer. Let us know what you decide to go with.

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Hi mamma of fishy family!

You remind me a bit of me as I am living my fishy life through my children too. At the moment my daughter (8 years) has a big goldfish tank and my son's last little leopard fish is living out its days in with them.

I was just starting to plan my own tropical fish tank but Dad said no to turtles and lizards and so now my son (6 years) is going to get an aquarium. We are planning something similar to what you are doing (but with a slightly smaller tank). He loves the bettas and the bristlenose too and we are going to try a shoal of glowlight tetras in with them.

I am sure you have done your own research but I thought I would share a couple of things that I have found out.

- Put the betta in last so that other fish are seen as part of his environment, rather than an intruder in his territory.

- Bettas are individuals and what works for one may not work for others so be prepared to put him in his own tank if it doesn't work out in the community tank.

We are still a couple of months away from setting up so I look forward to finding out how you get on. And don't forget to take pictures!


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well the tank is in and planted with the old filter running so now I am trying really hard to be patient for a week before adding some cardinal tetras.

Then I was thinking of adding a week later either a couple of earthearters (yep they were the ones thanks) Or a couple of hatchet fish.

Put the betta in last

great advice thanks cos I was bursting to add him sooner so now will wait untill last.

definately am considering going for a couple of clown loaches they are cute aye.

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