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Any North Shore People Out There


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As the title states, all north shore people that use this site write a post here telling me about the tank(s), fish you have, and where abouts you r located.

For me i live in albany, i have 6 tanks.

Tropical fish i have are; 28 Guppies, 4 Platys, 11 B/N Catfish, 9 Corys, 2 Flying Foxes, 2 Swordtails, 2 Horse Faced Loaches, 3 Longfinned Danios, 5 Zebra Danios, 2 Mollys, 2 Male Bettas, 2 Golden Gouramis, 7 Kuhli Loaches, 3 Angelfish, 2 Cockatoo Ciclids, 6 Serpae Tetras and 6 Silvertip Tetras.i think thats it.

Coldwater Fish i have are; 13 Fantail Fry, 13 Oranda Fry, 2 Comets

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Hey i live in birkenhead

I have 3 tanks running at the moment

tropical community; siameese fighter, two algae eaters, 12 neons, 12 guppies, 3 male platies, 3 hockey stick tetras. (55L)

Malawi/ cichlid; 5 blue peacocks, 3 kenyi, 5 convicts and 3 auratus. (140L)

New addition is a angel tank; 2 marble veiltail, 3 atlum (maybe?) (200L)

Fav LFS is Pupuke, great guy and good prices

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Hi, new to the forum and another one from nth shore. Have been a slave of the KING OF THE AQUARIUM for almost 30 years. lol. Yes I breed Discus.

Have about 50 tanks all discus. Some of the strains I have are Red Melon, Turks, Snakeskin, leopard, blue daimond, snow white, checkerboard, marlboro red, red/white, blue/white,golden, golden leopard snakeskin, rosered,san merah, .......

Anyone needing help regarding discus keeping can contact me. I'll try my best to help out.

You can contact me at email : [email protected]



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Hi there, I too am on the North Shore....Belmont/Devonport. Just a learner really....very keen but keep finding I dont really know that much yet. Have another 8 tanks I am trying to find space for.....Need a bigger house! (And a new partner if I dont curb my fishy hobbies....)

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yep i think i know my way round a fish...... or two :wink:

only have 5 tanks

2 are for my golden black eye b/n that i breed , i have a goldnugget in a tank by himself until i sell it, yes its for sale just have to get off my ass and do it , i need his tank for more babies.

as caryl said im the president of the north shore club, so if you want to meet more fish mad people we do meet at lease once a month.

we would love to meet new people

cheers kim

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  • 2 months later...

This is what we have in our tank:

Spotted cats 2

Albino Rainbow Sharks 2

Siamese Fighter 1

Swordtails 2

Glass Cats 2

Neon Tetra 10

Rummy nose 4

Bristle nose 1

Clown loach 4

Kuhli Loach 2

Silver tip Tetra 5

Blue Rams 2

Cherry Barbs 2

Ottocinclus 2

Dwarf rainbow neon 2

Sorry for not posting it earlier but needed to sort it all out :oops:

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Hello to anybody I may have missed...I check here sometimes & leave before reading all the posts...then when I come back sometimes I miss some.

But, with that said, I did post a welcome to Lance & Debbie last night....hmmm...was having trouble with my internet last night...or I just did something wrong :-? :-? :-?

Hi Lance & Debbie :oops:

Great site here...take care...and have fun...don't forget pics! AND 30 goldfish...WOW :o

Oh my :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: I posted the hi in another thread :oops: :oops: Brain needs to be rebooted :D

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Ya, Glenfield here, I have a small goldfish tank with some small minnows and also a 130 ltr tropical set up containing petey = 1 goldspot pleco, Krusty, Ronald and Bobo = 3 clown loaches, Snappa = 1 geophagus surinamensis, Jaws and Jabba = 2 silver sharks and 7 un nameable neons.

I will try and get to a North Shore meeting ASAP.

Nice to see you !

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JoandWilly your pretty much nextdoor if your in torbay cause i am too.also about to set up a malawis tank at my bf so we have a some things in common, im mostly in to odd ball fish and have the big tanks at the bfs and the little ones at home

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Hi there

I am in Birkenhead, been here for 6 months. I have a growing collection of all kind of wonderful fish, some I have had for ages some I have recently bought. I am just recently getting back into the hobby though, so far I have acquired 4 tanks which somehow is not yet quite enough,...

4ft - Synodontis, gourami, elephant nose, gold line panaque (L027c) 4 large fat clown loaches, gold panchax, betta splendens, ctenopoma, bristlenose

another 4ft - assorted rainbows, port hoplo catfish and bristlenoses

2ft - 3 x Flash pleco (L204) 2x corydoras

30ltr - glowlight danios + cherry barbs

I am hoping to get another couple of plecos eg gold nuggets, royal panaque or queen arabesques. Yep, I am obsessed with plecos at the moment lol.

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i'm new to the forums and i live in Belmont and i have a 3 foot tank with:

3 Clown Loaches

10 neons

8 Harlequins

2 Corydoras(1 massive one)

2 Female Fighters

5 Pearl Gouramis

1 Male Dwarf flame Gourami

3 Angels

4 rummy Nose Tetras

2 Blue Rams

3 X-Ray Tetras

3 Bristlenose

Caryl could you please tell me more about the North Shore Aquarium Society?

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Kim said

the meeting is the first tuesday of the month!

at 7.30 pm sunnynook club rooms , on corner of sunnynook rd and sycamore drive

we have an auction every month , so if you do come bring $ as we have some good stuff at great prices.

She is the president of the Nth Shore Club.

So it looks like the 7th Feb will be the next meeting.

Alan 104

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