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Ok i recently purchased a 360 litre second hand tank as my original one sprung a leak. With the new tank i inherited 4 Pacu of which 2 are already quite large. However i'm a little worried about the size these buggers can grow to and I wonder if i should try to rehome them or is the tank big enough?

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Very difficult to rehome as they get so big only places like the Napier Aquarium and Kelly Tarltons have tanks big enough.

A guy in Dunedin recently tried to get his rehomed as it had outgrown its 8ft x 2ft tank. It could barely turn around in it and was still growing.

They grow up to 3ft and are very deep bodied. One site says that even a 500 gallon (Imperial) tank is too small for an adult pacu. That is around 2273Lt I think so your 360Lt may be a tad small :wink:

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Common name

Black Barred Myleus, Disk Tetra - Myleus schomburgkii

Myleus schomburgkii (Jardine 1841), the Disk Tetra.

Northern South America.

To five inches in length.

Cond.s: pH 5-7,

dH to 10, temp.

23-27 C.

A beauty with brilliant red highlights as an adult in good condition.

Alan 104

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