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Ghost Shrimp


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Alan, wouldn't snapper and other species on the qouta system be illegal?

Don't know how true the story is but back in the SeaBee Air days there used to be a pilot who sold crays obtained from Gt Barrier. To get around the fishery regulations at those times he used to tie a lead to them and sell them as "Pet Crayfish" :bow: "Here boy, time to go home to the pot" :D

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Only if they are undersized.

But then if they are for educational purposes, you can get a permit to keep them.

That goes for any fish that has a size limit.

A strange one is the whitebait.

It can only be caught in a set seasonal time, but once it gets past that stage of their infancy, you can catch them anytime.

It is frowned upon tho to go for the adults, as the fish themselves, can be a bit difficult to rear, and taking the breeders,

means you are depleting an area of the reproduction potential of the area.

I know of a small stream, just north of Matata, that was raped by a certain breeding facility in the Hawkes Bay.

Using electronic fish stunners made it very easy to get them, and I heard that they did not survive.

So now that stream is poorer for the acts of a firm, after a quick buck.

If they had gone for the young ones, grown them on, they would have had a more successful survival rate.

But then, due to the fact that the embryo return to the sea,

I fear that their efforts were bound for failure, and sadly,

the effect on the stream's fish will take years to recover.

I also think that it was the results of a NZ fresh water native fish club having fished there,

put in a report to DOC to which the public have access to,

probable lead to that firm knowing of the huge potential of that stream.

It was noted that it probably held more species than most waterways in NZ.

That was from DOC, not me.

Alan 104

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Come on guys,

Spend the extra money and "Buy Kiwi Made". Control's Hermit crab must be better since its locally sourced and can be replaced under a warrenty (parts may be a problem though).

Anyway it must be a bargin since I can now stock a 60 ltr tank with 1 shrimp, 1 hermit crab and water for $360 so far (Snowman can you rent out the containers I've misplaced my water ceritified ones?). Add a heater then I could have a coral polyp and a tropical crab for only $40 (US or NZ?) more. Is there any come back if the crab eats the polyp?

Cookie, if I only get a small amount of your "living" water, will it seed the rest of the tank. I want to keep the costs down below $10 000.

Got the perfect tank for this setup. Its made from indestructable plastic. Nicely coloured blue to avoid fish stress and professionaly designed for fish. Made by "Sealord" and cost $500 from a guy at the local wharf.

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Probably because they are not questions, more like attacks from people with attitudes similar to those seen in this thread.

Good on him I say. Much like the pet stores he has overheads. He has to get to the ocean, spend time collection the animals, get them home. Keep them at home and alive long enough to be able to sell them. Bank transaction fees, trademe fees, time to respond to emails and time wasting questions on his auction.

Personally I am surprised that he can afford to sell that so cheaply.


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Years ago a friend of mine told me a story about when he was in primary school and painted some white mice with black stripes. He then managed to sell them to some old sole down the road from his place as ‘zebra mice’.

Apparently all was well for a few days then a policeman (apparently trying very hard not to laugh) arrived on the doorstep and had a wee talk to his dad. My friend was advised by his father that he ‘should’ refund the money and take back the mice.

Nothing much has changed.


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Nah have no idea who it is. Was more of a paridy as anything else.

I was thinking if a petstore buys a cleaner shrimp for $40 and sells it for $80 ($40 profit), why can't someone make $15 for something that costs nothing? I mean other than the initital cost of the item, its the overheads that are so expensive, lots of examples of this on this site.

Personally I think you would be insane to purchase something like this for that much money. But then again I think you would be insane to purchase most things from an LFS.

If he sells one for $15.00, is he actually making money given the costs I spoke about above?

Go the glass shrimp. I wounder if he actually sells any.


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well, if he makes money out of it, good on him... if the buyer is none the wiser yet is happy with his purchase, then so be it. i'd sell my mother for a pack of smokes... :D nah kidding, coz i dont smoke, so a tenner would suffice... :wink:

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A guy came to buy some frags from me who had bought some of these shrimps & still had them in the car. He knew where they were from but could not be bothered to hassle & get them himself.

I am not saying who the seller is, but it is a young person who has found a way to make some pocket money.

I say good on him, if there's a market, go for it!

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Personally i don't like seeing people get ripped off, which is what i consider this person to be doing to unsuspecting niave people who have no idea of what they are worth. I sell my GBA for the same price ($15) and i guarantee it's cost me more to breed them than what it costs him to fish a few out of a rockpool.

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