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fish info

Modern Angl

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Looking for info on the following catfish:-

Clown Syno

Chocolate Cat

Crocodile Cat

Network Syno


Things like preferred water parameters, type of behaviour(active, shy etc), scientific names(only got what Animates label them to go on), suitable tank mates, feeding habits, eventual size etc. Couldn't find much on the net...


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Scientific names will help your web searching:

Clown syno I'm assuming is Synodontis decorus.

Chocolate cat (chocolate with caramel stripes?) - probably Platydoras costatus.

Crocodile cat (some sort of suckermouthed whiptail thing?) - likely to be Rineloricaria (or Hemiloricaria) lanceolota.

Featherfin syno (starts off cute little striped thing and then develops a less appealing spotted pattern) (Synodontis eupterus)

Sorry can't help on the network syno.

Planetcatfish.com should have some helpful info though.

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