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Too soon to add fish???


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Hi all!

I'm back...don't everybody run and hide :D

New tank has been running 2 weeks now. Yesterday I added my 3 black neons...what a chore to catch the little buggers :-?

Our weather has been really hot...would it be too soon for me to add the platy and the other 3 neons??? I know you usually you wait a couple of days between before adding more fish...but do you think it would be better or would I be asking for trouble if I add them now????

Really worried about goldfish, water temp was up to 78 tonight...put ice in back to float.

Thanks...will be waiting to hear :bow:

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I now have in my 110L tank:

1 red wag platy

3 black neons

3 neons

2 guppies

Tested water before putting in platy & 3 neons:

pH - 7.6

ammonia - 0

nitrites - 0

10 gallon:

2 ottos

1 goldfish

pH - 7.6

nitrites - 0

ammonia - 0

temperature for goldfish is actually between 70-75oF (21-24oC).

Checking web re: ottos. Lowest temp I've come across so far is 70.

Not sure what to do about heater because of the ottos???? I was just going to take the heater out altogether (at least for the summer) but not sure what to do?????????

Any help would be appreciated?

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Thanks suphew & Jo1!

Oh suphew, I just reread the first reply you gave me...I read it wrong...I've added the 3 neons and platy too soon. I just can't seem to do anything right lately. :( I read that more than once when it was first posted yet still managed to read it wrong. I will keep testing everyday for awhile and do water changes as needed. I hope I haven't caused a disaster for my fish.

Jo1, I purchased an air pump when I first got the 10 gallon. The size that was recommended for a 10 gallon tank. I will be adding another goldfish or 2 as was suggested here once I had the other fish out.

I don't have an air pump in the 110L though. How do I know if the filter that came with the tank is sufficient? Where the water comes back into the tank there appears to be enough water movement, but as looking in the opposite side there isn't much, does this mean the filter is not a good size?

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I think the general rule is your filter should be able to pump your water at least 3-4 times an hour. Does it have a figure in L/hr or gal/hr? If so, it should be in the region of 400L/hr or 90-100gal/hr minimum.

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I cannot find anything that came with the filter that tells me any of what you are asking. It is an Aqua-tech power filter model 20/40. I'm looking on the net to see if I can find out, but nothing so far. The 10 gallon is same only model 5/15.

There is a customer service number but not available to me this time of night.

Just found a web site called aqua tech wholesalers, sent them an e-mail.

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You can test the flow rate easily.

Just fill a 10-litre bucket using the filter and remember to time it.

Use it the same way as when working in the tank.

The info given with the pump is when there are no obstructions,

there-by giving a higher reading that you'd ever get using it in the tank.

If it takes a minute for instance, it will have a flow-rate of

60 x 10 = 600 litres / hr.

Make sure your heater isn't exposed doing this test too.

Alan 104

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Howdy Alan...haven't heard from you in a long time!

Just fill a 10-litre bucket using the filter and remember to time it.

Use it the same way as when working in the tank.

I'm not sure I understand...heck I don't understand :-? :-? :-?

Are you saying to put the filter on side of bucket and just pour water in the filter?????

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