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Getting a 6foot tank.....


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Now much to my excitement... what the heck do i keep in it?! Its got to be something BIG!! Iv got 2 discus in a 120L tank that could possible be moved over if the fish/s going in the 6' were compatable and then i could put something into the 120L... ahh were do i start... Any way what Im really after is a few suggestions of some larger fish with a bit of attitude. This tanks going in the lounge and I want something thats entertaining for people not as obsessed as me.

(i have mts so bad... this is tank number 5) hahahah

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How about a Bichir? they get big, and arent aggressive, but are predatory, and i gaurantee that you will get a WOW! when people walk into the lounge.

Just a thought, the possibilities are endless :D

Check out the Rare and Unusual section

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how about some Black Ghost Knives they get around the 25-30cm long. Or some Salmon Tail Catfish they get to around 70cm in the right condition but they take awile to grow (mine are about 5.5" or so and my BGK's are around 6"), I also have an Elephant Nose Fish he's around 7" long. there all good community fish. The Knive's will eat smaller fish as will the salmon tails when they get bigger so you may have to invest in some feeder fish when they get to the canibal stage.

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I'd have to agree with Jason and say you should get a birchir [but I would say that ;) ] hollywood in Mt Roskill still had a few left last weekend. Tiger dats make great companions for them, but might get a bit big depending on the width of the tank.

There's plenty of cool cichlids and other fish around the 6-18" mark that'd be great in a semi-aggressive community tank that size.

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