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Everything posted by doodle

  1. I got a 2cm diameter tube, approx 1.5m long and stuck it into my gravel as it was siphoning and sucked out the gravel this way. Every so often you will need to empty your gravel collecting buckets of water, as a bit of water comes out as well. depending on the size of your tank, you might need to top up your tank as well, using the water from the buckets.
  2. I only had a small gap in my lid, and one day i found a dried up kuhli on the floor i suggest making it as secure as possible!
  3. Nope sorry, they were rescues from a lady that no longer wanted them and she just had them "because they were pretty" :evil:
  4. Now much to my excitement... what the heck do i keep in it?! Its got to be something BIG!! Iv got 2 discus in a 120L tank that could possible be moved over if the fish/s going in the 6' were compatable and then i could put something into the 120L... ahh were do i start... Any way what Im really after is a few suggestions of some larger fish with a bit of attitude. This tanks going in the lounge and I want something thats entertaining for people not as obsessed as me. (i have mts so bad... this is tank number 5) hahahah
  5. I believe the question asked was about "Cycle".... Cycle is the partner in crime of AquaPlus. Aquaplus is the chlorine remover, Cycle is the "bacterial additive" Same sort of thing as StressCoat and StressZyme. A dechlorinater and a bacterial additive.
  6. i use some meths on a rag to keep mine looking sparkly and nice
  7. No offense but your avatar looks like one of my discus... my avatar also
  8. This was my first and only betta... im now on the look out for another. He passed away about 6 months ago. Nothing special, but i liked him!
  9. Thank you everyone for making us feel welcome. It was daunting enough looking at all the big beautiful tanks, let alone meeting a whole lot of new people whos knowledge is incredible! P.S. LOVELY food Oh and lovely fish Rob
  10. Very good age!!! Still sad none the less tho
  11. Cant help with sexing, but beautiful pics!!!! Mine never kiss although i have heard that kissing is a sign of aggresion? but once again NICE pics!!!
  12. because you will be killing all your healthy bacteria!!
  13. Il go with the melafix... I havent had anything major to actually treat at home yet, but i think it has help some of the fish with ripped/nipped fins repair quicker.
  14. doodle

    fish meds info

    omg i hadnt heard that! They have been axing a few other none related fish things as well
  15. yikes... i thought up here was bad, shops have them for around $13.50
  16. Mouth Fungus!!! not whitespot Malkon or the likes...
  17. Go to a pool specialist place!! people that sell pool filters and the like
  18. doodle

    Blue fish

    Blue/trispot gouramis? Opaline gouramis?
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