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Plants for goldfish


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Fish are vegetables :lol:

Goldfish nibble at the tender new roots coming up so tend to kill off the rest of the plant in the process, and uproot it.

They tend to leave Java fern alone and I also had success with water sprite. I planted half and left the rest floating.

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I take it with goldfish....everything is a vegetable :lol:

Caryl...are there different kinds of plants that you see floating on the top of aquariums...or is it the water sprite that you're talking about

Is water sprite...light green....white on the edges....root on the end...but they just hang on top of water?????

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Quite a few plants can be grown as floating plants and not rooted. Water sprite is Ceratopteris thalictroides and very similar to Hygrophila difformis which is also called water wisteria. Both do well both planted and left floating. The fine root systems are great for small fry to hide in.

If you have a plant that is green with white edges, I suspect it is not a true aquatic plant and is actually a house plant. Many of these are sold as aquatic when they are really bog plants. They will last a year or so in the aquarium before rotting and dying.

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could someone be kind enough to give me a list of plants i can put in a 2 foot tank with 3 little gold fish

the only one i know about is oxygen weed but i am told that this is not very pc these days! :roll:

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When I had goldfish in a tank I would go down to the local botanical garden and haul the oxygen weed out of the river there, being careful to note if any weed spraying had been done recently (easy to tell as the grass edges would be brown but easy to ask one of the garden workers). Readily replenished plant source and of help to the council in keeping the weed down as they are always having to cut it back :wink: . The water is quite fast flowing so no problems with stagnant water.

The Java fern mentioned previously also does well.

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If you are going to get weed from a local pond or stream make sure it doesn't have leeches in it or any other unwanted nasties. Place it in a white icecream container of water with some plain salt for a while and see what comes out. Do this a few times until it is clean.

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