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Super Cheap Marine Tank (free?)


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OK here is my plan. I would like to setup a small (nano) tank, for breeding clowns/snails.

I have the tank, hood, light, water and rock. What I need is a skimmer (small berlin or simlar).

If anyone has a skimmer they are willing to give away, can they let me know, airstone driven, cyclone, anything at all will be fine.



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OK here is my plan. I would like to setup a small (nano) tank, for breeding clowns/snails

:lol: how classic, thats what i was planning to do in the next few months too - although i was going to have it share the main tank water to make maintaining water chemistry alot easier. concentrate on the fun part of breeding, watching and learning!

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What a great Idea Pies.

Now keep track of costs and post them on the forum so we can see how much it actually costs :)

I guess there will be a anenome or two? :-?

Now you can prove that it can be done on the 'cheap'? or best practice depending on how people see it.

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buy the clownfish book.....

while it is all well to do the breeding in the same water coloumn....

you will need to rasie/feed the fry in a separate tank.......

best to move water with eggs and leave the pair to breed again, they can be keept in a pretty much bare tank.

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This is the start of what will be an interesting thread, and breeding is something i am really keen to do too.

I have a couple of questions;-

1) Are Clownfish generally considered the easiest marine fish to breed and successfully rear the fry? (Not that ANY are easy, but you know what i mean)

2) Which Clownfish book is being referred to ?

3) PIES - What are your plans on obtaining, and maintaining the various food types needed for the various stages of the frys' development.

4) PIES - On the subject of an anemone - will you be providing MH lighting ?

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I'd say that bangaii cardinals are the easiest to breed and raise the fry. (if you can find them)

Usually because the fry are a couple of mm when they are released by the male, and can eat gut loaded baby brine shrimp straight away. Most other fish require rotifers and other small foods.


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True you dont, but if they already have one that they they call home i'd rather keep them together as it wont stress the fish and they'll get back down to buisness quicker, i've heard/seen two lots of clowns die depressed cos of their home being taken away from them, not saying it's going to happen all the time but why bother taking the risk.

Keep the clowns happy :).


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Yeah I have a few plans. 1 includes removing 2 clowns from my system (I have 4), in the hope they will pair.

Skimmer has been sourced, thanks Spinedoc. The Nano will be powered by a Berlin skimmer!

So hopefully i've got a tank, will find out in the next day or so.

Then its all GO! Woot!

Rotifers & Greenwater to feed rotifers. If you can help me out, please send me a message. Free clownfish to anyone who helps out :)


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The greenwater I need, as far as I can tell, is of a special pure strain. There are 5 different strains used to feed rotifers (used to feed the clowns).

So I need to re-phrase my question. Anyone got acces to rotifers and greenwater cultures suitable for the rotifers/clowns?

ohh and another question. Anyone know where I can get a net fine enough to gather plankton? A purpose made plankton net is what I am looking for. These animals are small, smaller than baby brine shrimp small, so it needs to be a mofoing fine net.



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As you wish - I'm not going to argue semantics. Thats what I meant, and in the context of the thread, I assume people realised that !

POMEREEF - Chill out brother. Let me be more clear, because you mised it. I don't need any help with feeding, I need a source of food. No-one on reefcentral or anyone else outside of NZ is going to be able to help me bring in live animals or algal cultures. I am an avid reader of RC, and if you have a look you will see that I have already got to the bottom of 'how and what to feed', but no-one there can help be source the food, it will have to come from NZ.

Make sense?


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Well if you cant source the food you need, you will have a feeding issue ! Please dont patronise me by telling me to chill out. I merely made a suggestion on your thread which was meant to be helpful and you chose to correct my use of english instead of either accepting or ignoring my offering graciously (which is meant to be what forums are all about). In my (humble) opinion, that was un-necessary.

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