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FS or Swap or Free, Datnoid and Pink tails


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I have a Datnioides microlepis  10ish cm and two Chalceus macrolepidotus  13ish cm that need a new home.

I would rather they went to a good home than the highest bidder. If you can provide a good home make an offer and I will except it. I'm in the market for community fish or plants if you want to trade. If you can provide an awesome home but aren't in a position to pay or trade I will consider giving them to you.

Im in New Plymouth. I have shipped fish plenty of times before. But these guys are pretty huge for shipping. I can get poly big boxes but wouldn't have a clue were to get a bag big enough for them.  Courier would be expensive But if you can provide big enough bags and pay all cost involved in shipping I will considered it.




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1 hour ago, Fruju said:

I can provide a home for all. I am in Auckland though, so would need to be shipped. Pretty much works out at around ~$30 for a 30cm poly box with heat pack to be freighted around north island.

Thanks for the offer if you can provide a good home, pay the costs involved and solve a few problems i could send them. Sadly it costs more than $30 to ship fish from this end. The only shop that sells heat packs in New Plymouth charges $7.50 each. Last time I sent a pretty small box with 10 2cm cichlid's to Hawkes bay Post haste had increased prices and charged me $33(2x$16.5 tickets). But the biggest issue i have is the bags can only get guppy size from pet store's here. These fish couldn't turn around in them. I will be able to send them if someone can let me know where to get bigger bags. And It would be cheaper if someone knows a less expensive courier company.


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I'm not in a position to pay for them currently (could cover shipping costs), and ideally if someone closer to you could take them that would be great. But if you end up stuck for a new home for them I have large enough tanks and have kept both species before. Let me know how you get on.

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