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Black Ghost Knife Fish


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Mine is a completely communal tank, Glass cat fish, Corydoras, Pleco, Angel Fish, Tetras (neons too small), Khuli Loaches, Clown Loaches, Cichilids, Killie (again a bit small although 1 has survived hiding), Gouramis.

DId have a Fighter in with it - not good mix. The pleco bullies the Knife fish, but angel and gouramis seem to be about the best companions for him.

I just have the 1 and he is just about 30cm (if not over) and very broad. I fed him some wax worms the other day and he ate 15 that I could count - getting rather large!!!

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i'm looking to get 10 glass catfish for the tank as they are one of my favorites, as well as a Sail Fin Pleco, i can get them rather cheap from local aquarium, i seen a very weird fish the other day at another LFS called a Angolan Down Poker, similar to the elephant nose which i have. Have you ever heard of this fish before? as there is no info over the net about them that i can find as it would make a good companion in the tank.

i'm also going to get some more weed for my tank soon, as my BGK love to rest in it.

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wow.. 3 Ghosties.. :) how choice!.. mine still looks like its dead in the tank during the day but he hoons round at nite.. cheeky rascal.. lol..

he is in with a gourami. 3 kuhli loaches, a marbled catfish, (which i thought must have Karked it eh? as i hadnt seen it for like 5 weeks.. lol..)but seen him last nite for the first time.. several shubunkins, a veiltail a blackmoor, 2 scissortails, a red tailed black shark , a zebra danio and another fishy i cant find.. lol..

i am definately getting a couple more ghosties. and a clown loach.. priced them in the hutt and one store was $20 odd and the other wanted $25.. guess i'll shop round.. lol

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I have 3 BGK's in one tank, as well as an Elephant Nose, 3 Salmon Tail Catsfish, 2 Male Sailfin & 2 Female Sailfin Molly's, 12 Glass Blood Fin Tetras, 2 Bristle Nose Catfish.

All Living in harmony, i'm looking to get 2 Clown Loaches, and 2 Royal Whip Tails catfish.

I feed them Frozen Blood Worm of an Evening and Flakes of a Morning they all love the flakes. I'm also trying them on Frozen Brine Shrimp, and live ones once they hatch. (If ya's want info on Breeding Brine Shrimp just and a reply to this message) And I also have 2 Creek Guppies that supply live food every month or so.

I have all of these guys and girls in a 4ft tank with a 800L/hr Whisper Power Filter on one end, and a 500L/hr Aqua One Internal Filter on the other end. Last but not least a SICCE Scuba 250watt Heater. And a mixed variety of plants, drift wood and a piece of volcanic rock for the to hide in.

Eventually I will have photos to post when I can get a Digital Camera.

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I used to have a ghost but sadly he died after a disease I caught from a petshop. He was awesome, hardly ever went straight ahead e.c.t I would very soon get another one if I could but they are pretty expensive. A little advice from myself and that is they love secluded areas where they can hide. So if you can setup a home for him where only he can hang out, he won't stress out.

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i have had two black ghosts in my time

The first one was eaten by a school of angry gourami

the second one is still alive and thankfully stands up against anyone who wants to give him crap.

i feed him souly on bloodworm however i have noticed that he has a tendancy to eat a lot of plant matter as well - often the stems of juicy plants like cabomba and hygro, and the flesh from the leaves of sword plants. he also loves flake, and watching him try to catch it is fun too!

he also enjoys neons, fry, and anything else he can fit in his mouth.

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My 3 Black Ghosts arn't quite big enough yet to eat my smaller fish but hopefully by the time they get bigger i will have them in their own 4ft tank trying to breed them with about 6 others to help them along.

Underwater World at Mooloolabah on the Sunshine Coast Australia has about 20 or so in a about a 3ft long x 2ft high x 2ft wide tank it looks mean, they also have a loan Elephant Nose in there as well, and the whole tank is full of Snake Weed and a few rock caves for them. Doesn't look natural for them but they say thats what they like as well as a lot of current. I'm going to research them at my local Uni who do Aquaculture Courses and try to make my breeding tank as natural as possible. (ANY HINTS WOULD BE GREATFUL).

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ok, sounds like a neat lot.. :) i seen some ghosties at wetpets in palmy.. they upped their prices the buggars.. lol.. by $5..from$50-00 to $55-00.. they had heaps of different sized ones. hooning round tank...

i am wondering if we get new ghosties whether they are better off in a tank on their own??

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Does anyone know how to train a Ghost Knife to eat out of your hand? Can find lots of people mentioning it on the net, but no hints how to convince the fishie to want to do it.

Have had my BGK for a few weeks now, finally found him/her a hidiehole he likes - but he is very shy about being around hands in the water. Lots of activity from him, but he stays away from me. Even when the other fish are nibbling my fingers, he stays away.

Any hints appreciated.

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Mine started to come to my hand but not eat out of it. (He passed away yesterday, now I only have 2). He would swim in and out of my cupped hand but not when feeding. But from what I have heard just keep putting your hands in the tank as often as possible when not feeding to get them used to your hands.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah I agree I think another 1-2-3 or so would do nicely, but need a new tank and a bigger house with some space for them.

Here is some pictures of my fish and tank, sorry the quality isn't all that good they were taken on my web cam in the morning with the sun glaring baddly.



Here is some Links to the rest of my pictures and my partners fish also taken on our web cam:



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