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Tiger lotus discovery


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Mine is not in a high flow area and mostly stays short, apart from he occasional shooting up of stems which die off and the rest of the short ones stay as they are. I always thought the shortness was insufficient light.

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I believe it's a mix of lighting (plants will grow taller in low light) and "training" it. If Emersed leaves are allowed to grow, it'll start switching to emersed growth and will reduce in submerged growth. The plant can be "trained" to stay shorter by trimming taller leaves and emersed growth. This is kinda done accidentally with leaves that grow tall and eg get killed by flow/decor/fish/hot lights/etc. And can be done the other way round when leaves are killed by eg a lack of light (when covered by other leaves) or boisterous bottom dwellers.

All in all it'll grow to adapt to the conditions around it - or the leaves will just continue to get killed off and it won't do so well :P

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