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opinions/advise please


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5 boesmani rainbow

30 neon tetra

4 rummy nose

6 embers

9 harlequin rasbora

10 sunset minnows

1 pearl gourami

11 corydoras (6 sterbai, 5 albino)

2 leopard fish

5red platties

i have two canister filter with a total of 1440L turn-over p/h for a 300L tank, i estimate it's 250L since there are gravel and driftwood.

Have been running for a year now with 1ft sq of the tank planted.

Now i have bought another 10 baby bristlenose catfish (hoping they will clean the glass for me so just need to change water) and 50 baby guppies.

do i need more filteration or do i need to sell some fish?

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Was curious so did it for you:

"Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is 57%.

Your tank is too small - it will require massive amount of frequent water changes each week!

Your aquarium stocking level is 226%.

Your tank is seriously overstocked. Unless this setup is temporary, you should consider a larger tank."

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I am going to say both, for the reasons that Boesmani Rainbows grow big and like plenty of room to swim at speed and it is already well stocked. Recommended turnover in filtration is 4 - 8 times per hour and the ratings on the filters are without media. BN are poop machines and will add a heavy bioload. They won't clean your glass properly and if its green spot algae they won't do anything to it.

Or you could get another tank for the guppies and baby bn :) :f77:

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What shall I sell?

Every fish has a purpose. They brighten up the tank.

The only ones that doesn't draw attention are the minnows and gourami. Whenever the gourami swims by and you see it, you go wow.

It's hard to decide what to sell. I have a reason to keep all of them.

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What shall I sell?

Every fish has a purpose. They brighten up the tank.

The only ones that doesn't draw attention are the minnows and gourami. Whenever the gourami swims by and you see it, you go wow.

It's hard to decide what to sell. I have a reason to keep all of them.

If you don't want to get rid of any then get a 600 or so liter tank.

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