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Tank Upgrade Help


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Hi all!

I'm possibly going to upgrade my 45L tank to a 110L tank, but I want to find out what extra equipment would be needed for a tank of that size?

My current filter is only suitable up to 80L, so what filters would you suggest for a 110L? Would I need to add air stones for that size?

Anything else I should consider cost wise?


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My current filter is only suitable up to 80L, so what filters would you suggest for a 110L?

Aquis CF1200.

Would I need to add air stones for that size?

No, airstones are only for people that like noisy, irritating airpumps because they don't have a filter that properly disturbs the surface or they like pretty bubbles.

Anything else I should consider cost wise?

What lighting are you looking for?

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Thank you Ira :)

Was looking at filters last night and lining up the the CF1000 (which says suitable for up to 200L, so thought that would be a good buffer). Glad to know I'm at least looking at the right type!

The tank comes with an air stone and pump, so will just see if I like it or not and how noisy it is as the tank is in my bedroom. I do quite like pretty bubbles though.

All natural lighting. Seems to be doing well with my planted tank so far, and as the tank is roughly the same depth and height just longer I figured it would be ok still. It's facing large windows and also has a window to the side, so gets plenty of light.

Well that's good... sounds like all I need is the filter, tank and more substrate.

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What sized heater do you have and how insulated is the room?

You may need a larger heaterstat depending on how cold your room gets.

Was just coming on here to ask about heaters! The room isn't very insulated at all and has large windows, so does get quite cold in winter (for Auckland anyway lol) and hot in summer.

What power/type would you recommend?

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Being an Aucklander I still use the recommended 1.5watts per litre of water so a 200 watt would suffice. As far as heaters go, you get what you pay for pretty much although everyone has a different story. I used to run Aqua One heaters, never had an issue myself but they do not have near the lifespan of the likes of Eheim Jager heaters so it's really up to you. Do make sure you have a thermometer on the tank anyway as a way of checking the accuracy - for that I recommend the glass heaters that stick on the glass inside the tank. The strips which go on the outside pick up the room temperature as well so are not as accurate.

As far as filters go, if you can afford the difference I recommend the CF1200 over the CF1000 (having had both on 108 litre tanks). The documented litre age on the boxes is with no media and I found the 1200 good, the 1000 sufficient. Putting a 1200 on gives you a little more leeway as far as stocking and water changes.

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Ok thanks. I think my current one is only 100W, so will upgrade to a 200. Already got a glass thermometer in the tank so will stick with that if they are the best.

I don't think the 1200 are much more expensive than the 1000, sounds like it would be wise to stretch my budget that little bit further for the 1200.

Now I just need to find the tank I want! And then decide on the decorations and fish.... sigh, start all over again with making decisions lol.

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So I've bought a 130L tank..

Decided on a 200W heater and the CF 1200 filter. Might get an air pump, will see how expensive they are.

Next question - I'm thinking I probably want something between the tank and the desk to protect the desk. What is the best stuff to use (polystyrene, thick rubber etc) and where in Auckland would I find some?


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Polystyrene is usually used - it's also used to protect the bottom of the tank from any imperfections in the stand (when you put the pressure of the water on the tank, any small bumps on the surface can become dangerous without a material like polystyrene in between).

Hollywood Fish Farm Mt Roskill I believe sells polystyrene. We tried to get some from Bunnings, but they won't cut to size so you'd be getting a pretty big sheet.

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