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Hi all

I joined the forum a little while ago, posted around a bit, thought I would properly say hi.

Fair warning; I am obsessed with my bettas!

My name's Jamie, I have 3 tanks-- 1 9 litre tank with a HMPK Dumbo betta, 1 40 litre tank with a Super Delta betta and 1 75 litre community tank.

My 9 litre looks like this; https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10696208_749856585052199_4981308609882160281_n.jpg?oh=66feb8b77a3383728ecddff00e6624c4&oe=54AAA414&__gda__=1425277640_3b65e321951ebd6b54ff52fe920df719

I've planted it with pothos, ambulia, indian fern, narrow leaf java fern, some sort of grassy type plant and christmas moss.

The betta in it, Ferdie, is the cutest little thing, and looks like this; https://scontent-a-sjc.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10468365_748971408474050_4370623190600059777_n.jpg?oh=eddd07d3146f9c84384a178ee41f66aa&oe=54C02527

My 40 litre, after a recent rescape, looks like this; https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=750520118319179&set=pcb.750520251652499&type=1&theater

It's got a riparium planter with a plant I can't remember the name of, some bromeliads, pothos, indian fern, duckweed, ambulia, anubias, broad leaf java fern, chain swords and xmas moss.

This is Momo, the betta in the 40 litre; he was my first betta, I quickly got Ferdie soon after and am hoping to get more bettas at some stage in the near future

My community tank used to have 10 neon tetras, 3 zebra danios (were moving on to another tank), 2 adult and a lot of 3 month old baby yellow snakeskin guppies I was raising to sell, 2 peppered corydoras and 4 sterbai corydoras.

The tank had been set up for about a year before I added the corys a few weeks ago; I got the corys from animates, quarantined for a week and a half, then put into my main tank. Over the past week my fish have all died off from Columnaris, despite my best efforts of treating with Furan 2, and then salt after the corydoras died.

So the tank is currently empty, and will stay that way for another month whilst I sterilize it, chuck out all media/substrate/ornaments, then move house before setting it up and cycling it. It was my first experience with a disease in my tanks and I've found it really crushing to lose my fish, but am very glad that I kept all the equipment for the other two tanks separate as they appear not to have gotten it. Would have been horrible to lose my bettas; I'm still paranoid and am checking them over daily for any signs of disease.....

Looking forwards now to my future stocking plans-- I was thinking a school of ember tetra (20-30?) and a single male betta for the tank, assuming he is of a placid disposition. Thinking I can swap my boys round once everyone's quarantined to see who is ok with other fish if the new one doesn't like them. Maybe some sterbai corydoras again too, they were very sweet, depends on the betta I suppose.

I went to the Auckland Fishkeepers Association meeting this month, my first meeting, and it was fantastic to talk to other fishkeepers, hear about aquascaping, look at Adrienne's tanks and get some plants and daphnia, which my bettas are loving :)

I've just started up a daphnia culture since then, they appear to be doing well after their first feed with yeast, currently situated in a 2 litre bottle but will move them to a bucket soon, preparing some green water for them too :)

Thats me, liking the forum already, glad to be here!

P.S. Anyone who has any links about riparium planting, general plant care (e.g. use of flourish excel, lighting...), aquascaping, betta training, sterilizing a tank, proper quarantine, looking after a daphnia culture or anything else you think I might be interested in, chuck them at me, I love reading pretty much anything to do with fish.

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Hi guys :D

Yes, I have talked to Adrienne briefly at the meeting about bettas, it was what made me brave enough to try an open top aquarium with my boy who doesn't seem to jump....theres 10 cms of glass above the water line but I was fairly nervous about leaving it partly open until I talked to her, she said that it should be fine :)

Went to the New Pupuke aquarium centre today and its got me all excited about my new stocking for my tank. Would a 51x34x56 tank be big enough for a few Red Whiptail Catfish? Wondering about my bottom feeders, and I've fallen in love with the red whiptails but worrying about how much space they need... I'm fairly set on my other inhabitants now-- 1 PK marble betta and 20 or so ember tetra. What I've got in my mind's eye is to find lots of the siphon tubing thats wide enough for whiptails, and to silicone glue a whole series of tunnels made of the stuff through a central rock feature for the tank :D dunno how it would look, or whether the whiptails would use all the tunnels, but it sounds good in my head :) Any thoughts?

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