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Bent spine


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A couple of months ago one of my banded kokopu devoloped a bent spine, one day it appeared perfectly healthy then the next day it couldnt hold its tail up starting half way down the body and it would only swim a few inches then it wouldrest on the ground. It stopped eating and started losing condition, so i moved it to a quarintine tank and planned on posting n here the next morning but my cat got hungry so i didnt... Now a second kokopu has devoloped the same bent spine.

I do weekly water changes and i dont overfeed.

Any ideas?


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Hey..sorry just a .99c opinion not trying to be mean by saying this...

But if fish aren't looking good for it long term recover..keeper should put it out just to relief fish mystery...once the spine gave up there not much to do to recovering from it..

All the best, have a great evening..

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I dont have a test kit.

I added a bully recently, but he was quarintined for 3 weeks.

The rock is sturdy, when i set it up i made sure it was safe.

Any diseases or parisites that can cause this? I first thought tb but apart from the limp tail there are no other symptoms.

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