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Interesting discus behaviour


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Of my six discus, two are by far the bigger. Today I have noticed that those two are shimmying at each other almost like a Shiver. And one if them is spending quite a bit of time pecking at the piece of driftwood that sticks up vertically in the tank. Its not flashing, something very different. They have kind of taken ownership of the left hand side of the tank, any discus that goes over there is told to bugger off pretty quick. Is it aggression or something else?

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Hmmm tonight it looks like the big pigeon is being mean. The blue Turq is being chased now, and hides down behind the wood. He comes out when the pigeon isn't there, so could it be that he's just turned into a big meanie. Or is it just the buy putting on a show (not making any comparisons to humans......)

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Not that I can see. But the pigeon is doing a lot of facing the driftwood and shivering. Always when the Turq is there. They just did a bit of tail slapping and face to face pecking as well. And the pigeon also seems to be trying to 'clean' the driftwood. It has little bits of hair algae on it and its like he is picking it off. He's kind of nibbling at the wood quite a but.

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Can you explain that for me a bit more? Why would they lay eggs if not a pair? Just been watching the, for half an hour or so and they are both pecking at the wood a bit, but when the blue does it, he gets told off and stops. The one time the blue went for a wander around the tank, he got fetched back to the wood again. It's better than TV :spop:

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Females will lay eggs without a male present - you may have two females. If the male is present he will attempt to fertilise the eggs. It often takes many goes before a pair is successful even in the fertilising process and longer until they manage to hatch them.

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My pigeon female spawned last night. No idea who the male was, if there was one at all. I wasn't expecting it as I thought the pigeon was way too small and young. Anyway half an hour later the turq ate all the eggs.

I was wanting to sell the pigeon so at least now can say its a she.

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Ok so for the last two days all they have done is hang out with each other. They pretty much never leave each others side. Problem is its like I only have two discus. The other four all go hiding cos if they get to close they get chased. And then today I out some flourish root tabs in and things have gone a little haywire. The two big ones and two small ones are fine. But the other two small ones don't look good. Both hiding, but its the small pigeon that concerns me the most. He was hiding, 'swimming furiously with all fins but going nowhere. He got chased out of his hide by the big one, and is under a piece of driftwood. But he's up against the driftwood like he can't keep himself upright. Gills are going and he's breathing slowly. Very strange. Did water change already and rummies and everything else look fine. Hmmmmm

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Yeah I did wonder that. Im not quite sure what I will do but will wait to see what happens. Unfortunately at the moment, little pigeon with bloat is in emergency room. He's struggling to stay upright and is constantly resting against things, in hospital tank with a double Epsom but I've got a bad feeling. Fingers crossed he pulls thru.

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I don't know if you can or would want to do this but years ago I was having issues with a discus with swim bladder that kept swimming on its side due to the extra air in the swim bladder.

I managed to wedge a net to hold the discus in place between the net and glass of the tank but so that it was lying the correct way and couldn't rotate around. They next morning it was fine and free swimming happily.

I realise bloat is not the same but it might help, if you can do it without stressing your discus more.

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My, mine have been doing exactly the same, and again it's a red pigeon and a blue snakeskin. I've pretty much worked out the blue is the female since she appears to be taking first swipes at the horizontal pipe in the tank, with mr pigeon following up the rear (not literally obviously).... They are now on their third go around over about two weeks, first time nothing, second time eggs that went AWOL the day after the deed, this time, more of a slow pragmatic approach it would appear. Likewise mine are in a comm tank with other discus and random others so minimal chance I guess. I did put them in their own tank last week, but they just sulked and looked away whenever I walked past.... Grumpy buggers. Anyways, yep yours seem to be trying it on..... Must be that time of year for discus frisky business :f77:

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