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tiger barbs (barbus tetrazona) are they fin nipers


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I had a dozen in a 5 foot comunity tank. They nipped the fins on most of the other fish. Killed a sword tail within 24hrs... I took them back after that. It doesn't mean you'll have the same problem. Just keep an eye on them to start with and be prepared to take them out. Ask the LFS if they will take them back before you buy them.

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i had six to begin with in our tank and even tho they kept to themselves towards all other fish once i put in a fighter they would leave its tail alone so in went the divider and then a friend gave me her goldfish so we put him in the large tank as well and the barbs had a nip at his tail so he went in with the fighter on the other side of the divider.....

i love havin the barbs in my tank tho cos they just provide that difference in size, personality, colours, and shape.

so as said early its just a case of watching them and making sure to you definitely have the 6+ to keep them all occupied with each other.....in fact when i got them they were of course quite small and i had problems keeping my platy pairs alive (one always seemed to pass on) and on of the platys attached itself to the group of barbs and they just accepted into there little clique.....platy with an identity disorder - :lol:

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I always find it amazing how some people have better luck with different fish than others. I guess it may be due to the type of tank, we put our barbs into mainly hex's and have given up on most tetras as they seem shortlived in these tanks.

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