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Tank Calculation


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I'm building a home aquarium in my new home and I need some calculations done to workout the glass thickness. I also need a place I can order the glass or acruilic from, anyone know anywhere cheap and reliable? Can anyone help out?

The calculations are as follows: the height of the glass is 2500mm the length is 2500mm. There is a stainless steel middle (marine grade) and the 2 piece's of round glass/acrilic (2500 L and H) fit on either end of the stainless steel rim. The Rim is 500mm wide. Hope that makes sense.

thanks in advance.

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Add your location to your profile, not much point asking for supplier locations if no one knows where you are.

Are your numbers correct?? Im having trouble picturing the shape but it is gona be HUGE, thats floor to ceiling plus sun for an average house! Do you have a scuba set for when you drop that frag??

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If those measurements are what we are reading.

Get in touch with the Napier National Aquarium.

Their display tanks have fronts that would suit yours.

They'll be able to tell you.

By the way, did you win lotto or what??

Alan 104

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Definately serious, its for my new house, the house is basically being built around the aquarium. And no didn't win lotto ;)

I'm having trouble finding a cost effective place to get what I need. And also working out the thickness of the glass/acrylic I require for the front

and back.

Does anyone know if acrylic will distort the image of the fish?

thanks again for replies.

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Many people who purchase acrylic tanks are ultimatly dissapointed. The problem is scratches. Check with RnB on this site, he owns one see what he has to say.

As for acrilic, its better opticly than glass, the only distortions you will get is at the bent/glued edges and from scratches. There will be no colouration problems, it should look great.

Good luck sounds like a fantasic project.


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I agree with using acrylic.

Glass would need to be 70mm thick. Since 25mm is the thickest commonly available glass, you'd need to get three pieces laminated. Sealing the edges of laminated glass is a big problem too. At that thickness you'd have one green looking tank.

You'll need acrylic at least the same thickness, if not a bit thicker. Will be very expensive, especially the curved ends...

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