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WCMM Need every bit of Info


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I've currently got a 55L Tank cycling which I was thinking about getting Koura for until I saw some Mountain Minnows in my LFS. I want to know as much about them as possible as when I google them I find their habitat etc but not stuff on keeping them. Are their any special requirements such as heaters or cooling in summer etc.

Just anything you know about them, Please post! :bggrn: :thup: :bounce: Thanks!

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They can live OK with or without a heater. They originate from waterways around the white cloud mountains in China where it can get very cold. I have had them in ponds year round in Christchurch even with ice on the top in winter. They are easier to convert from hot to cold than cold to hot. You just turn the heater off and get them used to the new water in the pond and they are away. To go back to hot takes a few days.

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In a 55L tank I would recommend no more than 20 as they do like to zip about and like a bit of space to swim. 20 will look like a big shoal in a tank that size anyway.

Really? 60 looked small in my 50L, everyone was surprised when I told them there were 60 fish in the tank, most guessed around 30.

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I can keep them with a Koura?! :bggrn: hmmm... I'd rather have plants with wcmm then without. Makes them stand out more, well that's what it seems in the LFS Tank with them. I'll have to think, still got a few more weeks to decide :bounce:

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