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Easy small to medium plants?


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I have a tank thats full of what I think is indian fern. It looked quite nice when the plants were small and bushy but now its grown stalky and tall, so my tank pretty much looks like stalks with leaves covering the entire top and it looks awful.

So I was wondering, is there any bushy looking plant that stays at a medium height and is easy to keep alive?

I want to give my tank a makeover

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It takes on many forms but its the same plant. I quite like the look of java fern, I might see if I can find some in the store

Here it is in stalk mode



And it looks like this in other clumps



Also what is this plant that is sticking out of my tank? Can I just cut it and replant it? You can see the mass of whatever this weed is covering the top


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Its either water wisteria or indian fern so I stand corrected :) These plants like to float on the top of the tank. Has it grown any pups? The pups should grow where the leaves meet the stem. If so just break them off and replant them.

The second photo might be hygrophila and if so you can break that off and replant.

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Im glad i can just cut the stalks off especially that big tall plant. Are pups baby growths? if so then I think theres a few of them. I even have one small plant growing out of a dead leaf, and somehow I have a massive bush of it growing out of my driftwood..they just dont stop growing and spreading :nilly: At least my fighters like sitting on them

I couldnt find java moss but the store said mouse ear was pretty hardy so I got one of them and also a few grassy plants since they were nice and cheap. I quite like the look of swords too, I'll have a wee hunt for them sometime. Any plants to stay away from? eg ones that are very easy to kill

Im really pumped about giving my tank a makeover now.

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I have a tank thats full of what I think is indian fern. It looked quite nice when the plants were small and bushy but now its grown stalky and tall, so my tank pretty much looks like stalks with leaves covering the entire top and it looks awful.

So I was wondering, is there any bushy looking plant that stays at a medium height and is easy to keep alive?

I want to give my tank a makeover

I'm kinda liking my some kind of echinodorus(I'm told)

Clearly not hard to keep, because it's not dead. And not bad for maintenance.


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I find moss and stem plants annoying. It turns out that while I like my aquariums to look pretty, I am lazy about maintenance. :dnc1:

Lol youve pretty much summed up my views on my tank!

Is echinodorus the big thing in the middle? if it is Im liking it quite a lot. Swords definitely sound like the way to go.

Also can you get sand that is too fine for cories? I want to get some sand instead of the gravel I have

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I think both those plants in Ira's tank are swords/echinidorus but there are lots of other different kinds. Mine are both quite small and compact, about 10cm tall only.

Also I don't think there is a sand too fine for cories. probably the finer the better as they sift it through their gills

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Is echinodorus the big thing in the middle?

All the green stuff in there is. Echinodorus is the genus, I'm not sure of the exact species. All the other plants were plucked from those long stems and planted in the sand. (Actually, in pots of dalton's aquatic mix) That was a few months ago, I've left all the stalks since then and have 7 I think each with a few new plants growing on them all over the tank.

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