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I've always used jbl root balls with great success, never tried the others.

Agreed. I think in a working aquarium, fish waste is enough to feed the plants but if you're starting it without fish or you want outstanding results, it's best to put something down under the cap layer.

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In my case I won't be using any sifters and I don't like snails so try to remove them as soon as I see them.

I am using a relatively coarse grain, but have used it in cichlid tanks and haven't noticed it ever going down.

Hence why I am asking for opinions on these three products

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[i think in a working aquarium, fish waste is enough to feed the plants but if you're starting it without fish or you want outstanding results, it's best to put something down under the cap layer.

I disagree. Plants require a broad range of micro ferts, which fish waste doesn't provide.

I've had good results with Seachem and the JBL balls. Poke a JBL ball in near a sword, and within a few months you find it surrounded with roots 8)

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