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Customs Bust Fish Smuggler


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It does raise the issue of our restrictive import laws. When new species become popular aquarium pets overseas if they aren't allowed in here then there is going to be an increased likelihood of smuggling, which could have far worse consequences for the environment if potential pest species are also smuggled in.

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heard on the radio but see a few articles if google it.

people always want what they seemingly cant have. no scorpy orpy orpy oes yo or snakes for me thanks.

Supergroove FTW! :dnc1: Heaps of links when I googled "scorpions smuggled into new zealand"

http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/artic ... d=11115761

http://www.stuff.co.nz/southland-times/ ... -scorpions

$100,00 maximum fine or five years jail- wonder what they'll get?

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ah supergroove that's the one - thanks the memory fails me at times. :lol:

yes google is plentiful eh :o - makes you wonder if some gone wild down there and it's being swept under the pitto bush.

I remember seeing discrepancies between articles and alleged potential consequences so who really knows.

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