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Vieja synspila / Redhead Cichlid?


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don't write it off yet. if you can find one it would be worth going out of your way at least attempt to accommodate it. hopefully you find a small one. like most other cichlids, you either get an aggressive one or a passive one, i think a lot of it depends how it is raised, what it is raised with etc. i think most of the problem when i had one is that my tank was only 300l - too small for both the vieja and the oscar. and my oscar is really big and really grumpy..

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they are used to be a very commen specy a coup of years ago but became very rare now. fast in grow rate. not as aggressive as some others but considered aggressive as a cichlid. yes, Jack still have them but dont know why they dont like breeding.

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There is about a 5cm one at my LFS. I'm pretty sure it's been there a while but it's just plain grey and ugly in the shop tank so nobody takes any notice of it.

Thinking I might get it... But at the same time my 450l is overstocked already (although everything is still young).

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Thinking I might get it... But at the same time my 450l is overstocked already (although everything is still young).

I wouldn't recommend it unless you're planning a bigger tank or just want the vieja and a few other smaller fish in the 450L. When you're talking about a fish that can reach a solid 12"+ 450L isn't that much water and space for territory. They can be stunning looking fish when large, but you'll need a suitably large tank if you want to mix it with other cichlids.

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Dave I will be thinning down my stock as they grow, no way I'm keeping it at this stock level permanently. Planning on only having a few fish, at this stage probably just an Oscar, a Severum and my EBJD. But if I find something else I really like (eg. possibly a Readhead) that stocklist can definitely change.

Navarre it was at Organisms, in the tank with the Salvini in it.

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Have to agree rabid it looked awful, but that wee tank is packed with cichlids. I'm sure it would brighten up once it got some space and clean water to itself. It's fins looked a little tattered last time I was in there so I assume someone has been picking on it. And yes -- that Salvini was gooorgeous.

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  • 2 months later...

I had a breeding pair (20cm) a few years back had them in a 4 footer with a Male Jag (25cm) a Albino golden tiger (30cm) and a mixture of other smaller fish they all got on well. The red heads kept the Jag in check when ever his aggression grew even the convicts would have a go at him. I found that the differing sizes of the fish help to contain and control any hostilities in the tank. Good luck.

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  • 11 years later...

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