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My Return Fish


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Hi all after being out for a year and getting married etc blah blah im back

Heres some of my fish ive moved from africans to these

basically a biotope tank

sorry no good pics of set-up yet

anyways heres fish

will be up.sizing very soon so probably be anotha case of mts .sigh....here we go again








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Discus from the amazon, Kribs from Africa and plants from Asia, not quite a biotope tank. Nice setup nonetheless :)

And Harlequins from Asia. The cories are from the amazon to go with the discus at least. :)

I've always thought biotope type tanks too limiting anyway.

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no full tank shots yet.to be honest am not happy with the current set-up at all so is just a mess until i get my new tank when i do will add some pics.so lets say its not a biotope but a multi-tope :smln:

The Pantopeon?

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lol wut?

It totally ruins the funny if I have to explain it. :an!gry

Pan, latin root meaning "All"

Tope, from the greek word "Topos" meaning place, as in biotope meaning the region of a habitat associated with a particular ecological community.

Eon, referencing "The Pantheon" which includes the latin word "theon" meaning religion. A religious temple/place of worship in Italy dedicated to all the roman gods.

Hence "The Pantopeon" which is intended to be translated as "All place religion" or in context could be considered to mean a shrine to all ecologies.

Seriously, I'd have thought this didn't need any explanation. :facepalm:


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Poor genetics, some people claim it's to do with substrate and tank décor but that's not correct in my opinion. Also some of the discus look kind of stunted/deformed this is usually from not enough water changes whilst they are still young and not enough food. Good news is they can still come right with correct feeding and regular water changes.

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it varies with the peppering like these guys peppering will completely disperse in low light with mixed in fish like blue diamond it seems to come out aswell.and with a dark background and decor makes it come out also.its not these fishes genetics that have caused peppering they were raised in dark environments.heres the parents


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