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No-power native tank?

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I have a 180l tank currently housing my driftwood, crypts, anubias and ferns. It is cold and staying on average 15'C. I have inanga in the creek behind our house, and acorus rushes in my pond. I'm keen on the idea of plant only filtration, thus possibly not having to power the tank. Is this possible and realistic? Anyone else done it?

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I was thinking i will probably need something for water movement and airation, maybe an air pump or low wattage pump. That wont really dent the power bill. Inanga like a decent current tho? Have had bullies before and i love them but partner would like mid water swimmers

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there is a guy at katikati, lifestyle block, no power

his tank has been running 3 years

he has it outside with a rain barrel attached just does water change once a week

well planted, light stocking but a couple of big kokopu in there

inanga use a bit of oxygen but flow will help that out

you could try one of those solar fountain pumps

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i have a giant bully in 300 liter tank.

it has a small eheim sponge power filter and a small air pump.

power usage must be minimal. no plants. just a piece of wood for shelter.

it is very low tech. the fish is 6 years in captivity now.

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