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I would like some expert advice


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So sunday came around out of the blue and I hadnt planned properly for documenting my build so here is a run down.

Got up nice and early as I had to drop the fiancee at work so while out went and brought my piece of driftwood and gravel. Ended up deciding on just one colour of gravel, a nice pepper 3-5mm.

So got home and rinsed my gravel and driftwood usual stuff.

Then the first problem of the day happened, my plant supplier wasnt going to be in town until 4 so all day sat twiddling my thumbs. Finally got my plants, 4 big bunches of ambulia and 2 very tall twisted val.

Finally time to plant them, made a bush of the ambulia in one corner and the twisted val in the other and in all honesty it was as easy as that the tank looked awesome. Added my puffer today and he loves cruising his new pad.

Heres a photo sorry for the quality


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