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how to add height and dimension to a tank


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Does anybody have any ideas on how to add height and dimension to a tank? ( I am meaning decor)

I feel half way up is wasted and everything is in a straight line. (in my tang and pleco tank)

Any thoughts on ways to build safe caves, section off territories, creating tunnels and things like that. ( looking at keeping it natural so rocks, wood, plants. Not pvc or store bought decorations)

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Are we talking aquascaping now Cam? :D

You should aim to have your focal point around 2/3 of the way both up and across the tank. So for a 60cm high tank you'd want your main decoration to be around 40cm up. What materials do you have to work with exactly? Any larger rock?

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stacking rocks isn't ideal as there are big fish who could knock them over.

My thoughts exactly

Are we talking aquascaping now Cam? :D

You should aim to have your focal point around 2/3 of the way both up and across the tank. So for a 60cm high tank you'd want your main decoration to be around 40cm up. What materials do you have to work with exactly? Any larger rock?

Maybe aquascaping, maybe trying to get the best out of a display tank. I have lots of small and big bits of wood and rocks, flat slate and plants.

Have done plenty of African tanks so have lots of things good for them, which is helpful as this is a African tank

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So anything other than the rule of thirds?

Also while on the subject, what type of material can I use to build things? I have previosly used poly to scape my 3d backgroud but it is very bouyent so I dont think it will work for building caves out of.

What do other people use when crafting tank decorations? ( I a looking for as natural as possible)

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you could make some cool caves and stuff out of cement or some kind of putty but it would be too heavy. i have thought about making a mezzanine type floor halfway up my tall tank. could then put rocks or wood on top of the extra floor space. would wanna make it out of plastic or something light but sinky.

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you could make a rock overhang type of thing have it glued to the back of the tank and if you managed to find small treetruck/driftwood you could use that to support the overhang lip if you get what i mean

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would wanna make it out of plastic or something light but sinky.

:sml1: :sml1: Love it bro, great description.

Now we are starting to cook up some good ideas.

I was thinking about visiting a stone mason or someone who works with granit and geting them to make "shelves" that wedge into the corner of the tank. And also getting some rocks cut with a square top so that I could glue some longer flat bits of slate to it to make a higher tower.

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You could bump up the ground level with stockings filled with sand like Sam and I did, they are good and stable to put rocks on. Then you could put some taller bits in a back corner. That way you wouldn't lose most of the tank to needing stabilising rocks/structure but you'd have a taller feature. We've also seen people on here siliconing partitions and then building up the substrate inside like a retaining wall and filling with plants etc. Driftwood seems like a good way to create height without needing lots of rocks but then you have the challenge of finding a good piece.

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