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Nothing wrong with that sort of pH. In a mature tank your pH levels are going to drop any way so unless you have fish with specific requirements ie Africans, discus, most fish will adapt. If you are trying to breed fish you also need their preferred pH.

Re shell, if you have to raise it just put a piece of coral rock behind your plants and driftwood so it is out of sight. Much easier to keep a watch on so you know when it has dissolved.

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Perhaps your water is naturally hard Caryl and will be more resistant to fluctuations from wood etc.

A canister filter is an ideal place for adding the shell, or as suggested a piece/pieces of coral rock could be used instead, either in the tank or in the filter. If you're using sand substrate you could add a small quantity of beach sand that is mostly made up of shells, just don't add too much as its hard to remove!

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