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kuhli loach

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Fish I am considering for the heavily planted, mild acidic/neutral, 120X50X50 (not all of them together but a selection of these options):

Kuhli Loaches

Tiger Barbs

Marbled Hatchetfish

pearl or kissing gourami

a pair of dwarf cichlid (butterfly rams or cockatoo)

bristlenose cats

tetras: either cardinal, black widow or rummy nosed

ruby shark

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I'll point out that you will most likely end up with dead dwarf cichlids if you mix them with tiger barbs,

yet again, kissing gourami will most likely get too big for this tank, remove the tiger barbs and replace with Snakeskin barbs (rhombo barbs) and you would have a rather peaceful but active tank. (althought the ruby (rainbow) shark may become more agressiveas he gets older, normally they are fine though)

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