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Loach skinny disease


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I don't know, I only have the instructions for Aviverm.

keep us posted because if he fattens up again I will get some.

He's got thinner, and until someone advises how much I should dose a 200 litre tank, he will continue to do so! :nilly:

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Anyone want to check my calculations---I would be pleased.

Each ml contains 8.48 x 50/59 = 7.1864mg of active ingredient

You need 2ppm in 200litres = 2mg/litre = 400mg in 200litres

You therefore require 400/7.1864 mls of your solution

You need to add 55.7mls of your solution to 200 litres of water

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Anyone want to check my calculations---I would be pleased.

Each ml contains 8.48 x 50/59 = 7.1864mg of active ingredient

You need 2ppm in 200litres = 2mg/litre = 400mg in 200litres

You therefore require 400/7.1864 mls of your solution

You need to add 55.7mls of your solution to 200 litres of water

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That seems excessive - Sophia can you please clarify if this is how much you use?

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watch fish for any issues, and also don't forget to gravel vac in the next 12 hours,

buy 2 bottles tomorrow and dose properly next week, (to let the first dose have a good effect)

I will do Carine, thank you - you've been most helpful :kiss:

I love the elaborate tank you posted in my other thread - I knew the tanks "back then" would be very fancy :thup:

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