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treating white spot


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Salt remains in the water. When you do a water change you need to only replace the amount of salt for the water you take out. It is very important to know how much water you have taken out as your tank water also evaporates. When it evaporates the salt remains in the tank.

You have 50 litres of water in your tank and you add 50 grams of salt to it. When you do a water change you take out 15 litres of water, even if you have to put back in 20 litres of water to fill the tank back up due to evaporation you only add 15grams salt. Does that make sense?

If you are going to put salt in the tank you need to continue to do so each time you water change until 7 days after the last spot is sighted. It could take as long as 3 weeks.

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yes that is what I meant. I'm not sure on the dose that different cats will tolerate but Ick. will die in 1ppt* salt and from memory that is about what is recommended for many salt non-tolerant fish.

ppt is more or less = 1g per litre

salt weighs about 1.2g/cc (dry)

so a 250ml cup will have about 300g salt

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