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lots of deaths


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since moving last weekend i have had 4 deaths in my trop tank. 2 barbs one tetra and my little algae eater

my blue and orange gourami is currently orange and black/brown

the top half of the gourami is supposed to be blue but appears to look a dark brown/black colour - none of the other fish look sick - i have added meds to the water, the parameters all seem fine = so i give up -

anyone have any ideas?????? - the new set up has mainly water from the old tank with a little bit of fresh stuff (like when doin a water change)

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Maybe it's stress? How long were the fish in transit for, what were they stored in etc

I'd recommend AquaPlus water conditioner, it has a

patented stress-reducing formula.

Pure Herbal Extracts visibly reduce stress attributed to transportation, handling and acclimatization.

And it's not too expensive!

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used water, substrate, in fact everything from the old tank to set up new tank - the fish were transported in buckets containing the water from the broken down setup and were only in buckets at the most for 45-60min - from the time they were netted out of the tank.......

i have used the aqua plus in the new tap water just in case but i am in the same area of town sort of - have moved from richmond to st albans - practically one end of edgeware road to the other

i have two tanks set up - one contains the tropicals and the other has the bettas, a pleco and a goldfish and there has been no problems in the betta tank just the tropical

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Sounds like you did all the right things, maybe you need to start looking at your water supply? Would it be possible to get water from your old house and do a large water change to see if they perk up?

If its your water, there could be lots of things causing the problem, like to much copper if the house has been empty for a while and the water has been in a header tank, or maybe there is some thing in your header tank? People drop some stupid things in then cant reach in far enough to get them out. Maybe there is something dead in there like a rat?

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eewwwww!!!!! i think i will just have to have a look for my own hygiene safety now - the thought that sonething could b in the water i drink, shower etc in is not a nice thought......

and to think tht i am also putting this in my tank - needs to be checked definitely now

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Did you keep the filters in water, with oxygen running through them?? Same for substract(gravel)

Not much bacteria in the water itself.

Netting the fish could of removed the slime coat on the fish. I know you used aqua plus, but do these products really do as they say??

As asked before did you test ammonia & nitrites??

Frenchy :D

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all tests normal - i guess it was just the stress of moving tho it didnt happen last time - oh well and fortunately the deaths have stopped -

of course in the process of moving from one house to another its a bit difficult to keep the air running thru filters but they were in water the whole time and the stones were kept in the orginal water as well.......

fortunately i didnt lose any of my bettas..... for me thats the main thing......

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