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Tank mates for Frontosa


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Hi all

Have recently acquired 10 juvenile Frontosa's and are wondering if anyone here can share their experiences regarding tank mates?

I am very excited to finally have gotten some as it is the main African cichlid that I like.

Have their tank setup with coral sand, coral rock and river stones.



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Great choice. I have about twenty and trust me when I say they really become part of your family. Mine are housed with red empress but can be housed with anything from peacocks to alto's. Justing remembering that frontosa have large mouths when they get older and whatever can fit into them they will give it a go.

How large is your tank? Will you have enough room later on when they grow up?

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For the size of frontosa you have now. You can mix them with Adult yellows and even demasoni.

My main colony size is ranging from 8 ~ 15 CM. They currently with adult yellow and demasoni, clown loachs, giraffe, cuckoo cats and red kadango.

Red empress is good choice with red color. I will add them to the tank later on.

But when fronts grow larger I will definitly take out yellow and demasoni....

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Thanks for the ideas guys .

Currently in a 4 foot tank and will get them a 6 foot tank when they need it.

They are about between 3-5cm currently.

Did buy 3 yellows to put in there and they seem all happy together.

I do like lamprologus ocellatus and would love some but I guess they are not suitable? Love the idea of fish that live in shells.

I thought that dems would be too aggressive?

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Agree with Tropheus.

Demasoni only irrtating and aggrisive on their own species when they get older.

Frontosa may get chased away when smaller or same size as the dominant yellow.

My big male yellow is around 10CM. It still chase my smaller fronts away some times.

Once fronts are 15CM plus then no problem.

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Agreed, Taiwans or red empress would look cool. I would think you would need a fairly large breeding group so you could have more than 1 male. It would kinda defeat the purpose if you only had 1 male and 4-5 dull grey females

I have read that the Taiwan reef are docile and males leave each other alone. There will be a dominant male but they do not fight. Another reason I like the idea of them.

Buying 5 juvies off TM. Time will tell how many males I end up with.

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Cool, but i wouldn't believe everything u read. Every fish is different. I have a male taiwan in my tank(all male) and i wouldnt say hes docile, hes the king and he lets every body else know that. When your group gets to a breeding size especially the males will fight, there will always be a dominant male in any breeding group. They will fight to determine the pecking order thats just how cichlids behave. I'm not saying that u won't be able to have multiple males but i think you will have more success if you keep a large group.

You could also try a group of male haps, in a 6ft tank u could have a dolphin, venustus, kadango, taiwan, electra,... pretty much any hap we have available. They are usually pretty mellow and would blend well with the fronts who are pretty mellow. Man wish i had a 6ft tank!

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I guess I will see what ratio of male/female I end up with.

I do really like the dolphins too so would love to get some of them eventually.

Currently have 3 4 foot tanks of slightly different dimensions and that can be a bit of work (aquatic perfectionist :roll: )

At least the South African one is not planted so thats a bit of reprive.

Here's a photo of when the Frontosa's were added last week (so tiny and cute!)


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