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Some advice re stock and planting?


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Some of you may remember this old 215ltr tank I picked up and spent hours scrubbing with a toothbrush (15 years and I wind up with this thread). The latter pics are of it up and running, first cycle. It looks baron, as not planted. Hence my question...

I wanted simple. Purchased black gravel and shist for contrast, and it turned into copper and grey after washing.

Happy for comments if my reading has me in the wrong direction...

1) I love Gourami's. The cobalts, reds and honey's are my fav. I was keen on 2 of each. I also love tiger barbs. Wanted 4-6. From what I've read, these should get along fine? What else would you recommend I add, and what number will overstock the tank. Many contradicting opinions to this. I know any frilly fins are not a go lol. I love colour. It's what attracts me to this hobby.

2) I'd like to plant the tank. The LFS was useless and offered nothing that wouldn't look perfect in a 7 year old's goldfish bowl, and had no advice. Thinking simple and few frills, which plants are best for this type of design and fish?

I'll stop rambling now....

Oh, and the cheap background poster was just up to help check clarity, wont be staying.


IMG_0798 by danaj2009, on Flickr


IMG_0819 by danaj2009, on Flickr


Tank cycling by danaj2009, on Flickr


Stones by danaj2009, on Flickr

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very nice base to play with,

imo if you want the dwarf gourami's, don't have the tiger barbs with them as they will nip at the gourami's feelers (and the rest of them) If you really want the tigers as well, go for a larger school of around 10-15 so they play with each other instead of the gourami's.

ime its fine mixing the gourami's as long as you don't try adding a female.

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Awesome, thanks for the advice.

Perhaps I'm being a bit keen with the tigers. I do love them, but had a feeling I might run into trouble with them. I'll do some reading and see what other combo's I can come up with to put with the Gourami's.

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I would suggest you put some raspbora species in with the gourami. Avoid other anabantoids like fighters etc as this can cause issues. A larger school of a single species often looks better than a variety of species in groups of six or so. Some ground dwellers as well will be a good idea as a cleanup crew. You can purchase various cory that grow to different sizes.

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