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New to Cichlids - African or SA


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I am looking to get a new aquarium and get wet with Cichlids.

However there is so much crap to filter through on the web, I want to know which is the best or main differences in keeping either SA or African and the pros and cons etc.

Also optimim tank size - I know big is best but 240, 350 or 450 are my options which is most suitable.

TY Mark

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hey pippin, I'm gonna say africans. For me the colours are far greater with africans, i have never kept SA though. Tank size, depending on what you want to keep, is like you say, bigger is better. It is important to keep in mind the footprint of the tank rather than how many liters. A short and narrow tank that is really tall may hold 400L but is not really suited to cichlids as they don't really need the hight.

There is alot to think about, i suggest checking out tanks on youtube to give you an idea on what type of cichlid you might want to stock. Then we can help with you with what sort of setup is gonna work best.

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However there is so much crap to filter through on the web, I want to know which is the best or main differences in keeping either SA or African and the pros and cons etc.

SA, definitely. Much nicer size, not usually as aggressive as Africans. Don't prefer really high PH which limits any plants or other fish you can have in the tank. SA have more variety of sizes and body shapes. Africans are all the same fish with a different paintjob.

Also optimim tank size - I know big is best but 240, 350 or 450 are my options which is most suitable.

Optimum tank size is always the biggest you can get.

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Also optimim tank size - I know big is best but 240, 350 or 450 are my options which is most suitable.

Are we talking litres, centimeters, gallons, cubic meters???

The size and shape of the tank will in part determin what you can keep, sadly we miss out on a lot of the really nice new world cichlids, but there are still plenty of options. One is not really better than the other, you really need to do some research and decide what you want.

ps africans aren't more colourful than new world cichlids, you can cram more colour into a tank with africans, but the americans are every bit as colourful if not more so, just look at a nice texas cichlid, festae or salvini!


IWhat sort of SA cichlid selection do we have here?

not great compared to the rest of the world, only one true species of Geophagus, a couple of different severums (mostly pretty bleh locally bred stuff), uaru, chocolates, "jurupari", and a few others. Plenty of discus, dwarfs and angels, but so much nice stuff we miss out on...

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not great compared to the rest of the world, only one true species of Geophagus, a couple of different severums (mostly pretty bleh locally bred stuff), uaru, chocolates, "jurupari", and a few others. Plenty of discus, dwarfs and angels, but so much nice stuff we miss out on...

Jack dempseys, discus, firemouths, festivums, Surinamensis/altifrons, green terrors, red terrors, brasiliensis, jaguars, chocolates, lots of others I can't think of at the moment.

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im surprised, normally this question starts a war =P

Im lucky, I love my africans, so colourful and active. but I have a breeding pair of severums where the male hates me and tries (and succeeds) to take chunks out of my hand, but the female who loves me protects me quite ferociously.

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trust me your not outgunned, normally its the SA crowd getting the flak. as for tank size go as big as you can possibly afford then go bigger, Every one sits there and goes "one day i'll get a bigger tank", why not save money in the long fun and just go big quickly, anyways, big tanks are a lot easier to keep due to the larger water volume. I would go the longest widest tank approx 400 tall (600 if you want really big buggers) but keeping the height down also saves a bit on the build cost due to the decreased water pressure requiring less bracing/thinner glass

240, 350 or 450 are my options which is most suitable.

unusual sizes, what is the reasoning behind that??

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I do think though that a 1200X600X600 is a nice size tank. It's not particularly big, but it's big enough to give you a good amount of space to play while just starting to edge into big enough to start being more inconvenient to maintain. . You can't really get your hands down into the back bottom of the tank(Or at least I can't and I'd say I'm about average), but the rest isn't bad. Smaller you start sacrifice flexibility, bigger starts to be a bit more of a mission to plant, aquascape etc

I'd make a guess the 450 Pippin mentions is similar dimensions? There are 1800X600X600 which are basically the same, just use up more wall space. They'll be good too.

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Thanks for the feedback you have given me some fish to investigate. Sizes were litres but will look at measurements as well. :cofn:

hi I have a big tank 2000mmX 630mmx630mm good size for either Am. or Af s. sorry for hi-jacking your threat.

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I think you should go to a decent aquarist shop and take a good hard look at both types of fish and decide which type you like the most then purchase the type of fish that suits the size of tank available. I am sure which ever way your passion takes you will work out fantastically for whatever decision you make and give you pleasure for a long,long time. Enjoy.

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Read my article in aquarium world...lol.

I have both.

Tank bigger is better ...but u have to be able to manage it.

Always over filter.


Americans-central or south are river

Africans if u want to mix colours u generally don't breed

Americans are less conspecific aggressive but do get bigger

there are lots of both types available

just be aware u can't mix and match but some ppl do get away with it

some ppl plan the tank for the fish...others plan the fish for the tank.

Gravel and rock generally lake fish. gravel wood and plants generally river fish.

U can mix discus angels kribs to good effect for example but these fish will get up to 15-18 cm so u need a taller tank.

Chocs nics geos are a good mix for s a fish type tank and all get on well and will generally be ok in 4x2 tank but would recommend 6x2.

The choice is yours young one may you enjoy the journey as much as the destination .....and yeah normally a war does break out...pleased it hasn't cause some of those s a gas are crazzzzzzy..... :digH:

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africans, start with malawians and progress onto tangs later.

as for the filtration, i aim for 5 or 6 times the tank volume per hour and would do that with either types of cichlids.

there are very few plant options with africans, SA's you can have what ever you like in the way of plants really.

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Jack dempseys, discus, firemouths, festivums, Surinamensis/altifrons, green terrors, red terrors, brasiliensis, jaguars, chocolates, lots of others I can't think of at the moment.

Central Americans....

SA's you can have what ever you like in the way of plants really.

Not really, the water conditions may be more conducive to plants but uaru, severums and some others will eat them, many others will uproot them with their digging or sand sifting, and others will simply destroy or play with them for the fun of it. Discus, angels and dwarfs generally do well with plants tho!

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