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how much to pump


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Hi beachy! I would recommend you to get an Eheim 2226 model, it pumps 350 L an hour. Other wise you can get your hands on a fluval canister filter. We have a 450 L tank and it is getting filtered by the 2226 Eheim no sweat. Or you can shoot for the moon and get a 2228 Eheim, 600 L an hour. Well hope this helps...others may have different opinion.

Cheers Dan

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I have a jebo 815 which pumps just on a 1000ltrs an hour and I have found it very good, you will save a few dollars with a jebo compared to a eheim or fluvl aswell. I know there are people out there who swear by the eheim's and fluval's and am just giving my opinion on this.

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I don't know what you're intending to keep in it, but a 350lph filter would be FAR too small. I think you'd want a minimum of around 2000LPH. But, you're not asking about filters. You're wanting a return pump from your sump, right?

If you're going for really dirty fish or for very heavy stocking you'll want something really serious. You could send Dogmatix a PM, see if he's still got that UP6 for I think it was $180ish. That will give you somewhere around 4000-5000 LPH if your overflow and everything can handle it.:) Otherwise there are a lot of smaller pond pumps that should work well. Something like a Powerjet 2000 would get you about a 2000LPH turnover which would be a nice comfortable amount.

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I have a marine about the same size and use a eheim 1060 (2250lph(?))as a sump return, works well. They come up second hand often usually for a round $100. Or if you want new/cheap theres a guy on trademe selling resun king 4's pond pumps for around $100 or less, I have used one, they are okay but you get what you pay for.

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It's no more redundant than it is in a marine tank. Serves all the same purposes. Hide all the equipment out of the tank, etc. You could even set up a refugium with some plants and stuff for the FW. It's not conceptually any different. I've wanted to do that with my cichlid tank, have a sump with a bunch of lights on it full of plants, maybe even try and grow daphnia in there too.

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A sump is a great idea for fresh or saltwater. As well as what IRA has said about being a good place to hide equipment etc any system that inreases your water volume is going to have a positive effect on the health of the tank.


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We are in the process of getting quotes for a 6ft ply tank with glass front using our old 4ft for a sump underneath. Pics and article will be done :wink:

The increased water volume appeals as does having somewhere to put a sick or harassed fish while it recovers.

Having somewhere to put all the gear doesn't hurt either and all that extra filtration can only be a plus.

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Hi Beachy, Just incase you missed it I posted a similar question last week...


I was looking at maybe 1200-1500 lph (for a 500L+ tank), but when you read Warrens post you might even consider more. With my 2nd hand setup I got a DIY barrel filter and also a really nice glass biological filter. I didnt think i would find any use for either of them, prefering the canister filters. But to buy 2000 lph of "off the shelf" canister filters i would have to re-mortgage my house!!!

HTH :)


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I had a Rseun King 4 in my sump for my 7.6ft (plus one other pump can't remember what kind) and in the 6 months I used it, it went through 2 impellors and was rather noisy. Don't use it anymore one day it just decided it didn't want to go. Now I have a ViaAqua3600 which I got for about the same price ($130 brand new) and I find it so much quieter, its great.

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