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My fishies have been up to mischief


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Hi - Just thought I'd post a few snaps I managed to catch today - luckily I had a quick look in the tank, was on my way out ! :D

Not sure if anyone is that interested, but it was very entertaining for a first timer ! :happy2:

Apologies for quality, didn't really have time to change camera settings or play with lighting !

Step 1 , make bubble nest


Step 2 , Show off new pad to the missus


Step 3 , Lock the door behind you, it's pewpew time !


Methyl blue going in once they've finished their funky time to prevent fungus.

Female will be removed to avoid aggression/murder.

Plants coming out (2 stems of cabomba and some moss)

Filter off so no current - Will replace with sponge filter tomorrow.

Frequent small waterchanges .

Question time : Have I missed anything ? Am I on the right track ?

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I would drop the water level down to about 100mm and make sure a lid is keeping the air above the water line warm and moist. I have never used meth blue on fighters because the male will usually keep the eggs clean but I guess it wont do any harm.

Is the lid/temperature idea to prevent pnuemonia when the fry make their first surface breach ? I remember reading about it

Would regulating the temperature of the room in question also help this to an extent ?

Thanks for your help

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